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Looking for honest opinions: Scenario: It is 3-3. We move into overtime. I have gold...


John Cross

Today I got bitched at in comp for healing too much as Moira. I had gold elims and healing...

Stuart Hayes

i agree with the team.
moira is first and foremost a healer.
you heals and damage should be the same with her if one is higher then the other then you need to work on the other.
healer pick priorities should be
1 ana
2 mercy
3 moira
in this order is most healing per second ana is still the best healer in the game and mercy isnt far off behind her but there is a decent chunk of loss in healing between mercy and moira.

Sean Patrick Carrigan

The team already didn’t have enough dps with you adding to it. If you focused full healing, which is impossible btw with Moira’s drain to heal mechanics, the team would have folded.

20k healing with Mercy means the dps is too low.

Sharon Gerts

So interesting how it split into "she needs to do damage to heal," "if you don't have gold healing you doing it wrong," and "your dps was shit" lol

Hannah Marie Pierce

I’m going with the Moira because BASTION TF IS U DOING

Ayu Shizuku

Sounds to me as you arent at fault. Sometimes you just get people who are not doing dmg at all.

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