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Xbox One Looking for a adult rag pvp server that I can actually build a small hut without...


Jonathan Loreto

Animus Ark

play fair, stick to rules and we will have no problems.
offline raiding is disliked.
No trolling, you all know what we mean.
No complete wiping, get in get out
No killing passive herbs ( all shoulder pets are classed as herbs even though they are meat eaters, unless you take them to a raid), all meat eaters are fair game.
5 Days grace for new tribes ( tribe leader 1st 5 days )
3 day grace period after being raided, get intouch with admin showing proof of raid and they will decide if grace is given ( after 30mins of no action, raid is over) once grace is given admin will announce it in group.

starter pack
mount is either flyer - Ptere, Argy.
ground - Equu, Baryonix
Flak armour, hatchet, pick.

Open world is full pvp so please be aware of your surroundings and the hostile environment that awaits you...

Tribes can have bases, 1 land and 1 water base for water dinos
stats are
8 taming
7 gather
slightly boosted weight on dino
slight slower drain on food and water for player

please comment your
Tribe name
in that format to show you understand the rules.
(Once you put your name and tribe in pinned post,your be sent password to server....)

search server name
Animus rising...

Jesse JOnes

We have custom drops but they are not working right now the owner is gonna fix them soon

24/7 pvp on the center
slight rules
no admins except for events
trolling is allowed
please no wiping, we understand vaults but just try not to wipe
passive killing allowed
no glitching under the map
brontos allowed
turret quetz allowed
no turret cap (its 10000)

do not pillar someone elses base, that will not be allowed
do not place foundations near the base to restrict them from building
a fob is allowed

stone pickup is 54
player and dino stats boosted
infinite weight and oxygen
dino infinite weight
max wild dino level 180

server name: The Broken Ark

join and build

Josh Alex Seaton

Join Ark PvP Thunderdome server and Facebook group check out a growing server with community centres.

Dedicated raid server with potentially amazing loot opening very soon for server wide raids with map changing every week.

Group has pictures of stats rules and community centre is in Viking bay with every facility to get you started. And a shop to trade your items in.
New custom loot drops as well ranging from kibble to element shards.

Server is part of a cluster with an Aberration full PvP server. Ragnarok main populated server and a battlegrounds server.
Populated server looking for new members to join existing tribes or make their own.

All players welcome trolls and griefers get banned to keep the servers friendly. Orp is on now.

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Petey Soper


Chris Fiegl

Brand new Nitrado Aberration map ArkBoosted24x7 Aberration boosted stats,drops,Instant tame,hatch and maturing clustered with the Center and Ragnarok just search ArkBoosted24x7 to get in any of the 3 maps I am the only abuse no rules full PVP

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