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I've been stuck in gold for about a year now. I know how to play every character in...


Brawley Biando

I've been stuck in gold for about a year now. I know how to play every character in this amazing game. I spend a lot of time on tank and support with a little bit of dps. Should I dedicate myself to two heros in each category? I hit my highest SR this season and I just want to get out of this hell hole. I am on xbox gt: MVJZ V BALLING (P.S. I dont remeber what that gt means because I made it when I was like 5)

Candace Levi

If you Flex then do it well, otherwise just play what you're best at.

I'll be running some Comp in a few and I'm in your SR range so if you'd like to group up my tag is: DoughnutWhole16

Yeti Jones

virtually nobody is a flex, pick 2 or 3 heroes you feel youre best at and stick to playing those

Justin Becker

Stop flexing. Just one trick a dps you're good at and abuse the performance based sr system.

Ryuuichi Rekairu

I was just one season a gold and got out of there as healer so you do something wrong that keeps you there. I'm never been more than one season in each rank

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