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I've always wanted to play Zen, but I suck so much with him. I need to GIT GUD, so...


Hamza Boumarouane

I've always wanted to play Zen, but I suck so much with him.
I need to GIT GUD, so any tips would be appreciated. I feel like I can't hit targets, and sometimes my orbs don't go instantly, like I need to spam the button to send them cause the targets move too much.

Diamond Hope Zeiger

Lead your shot
He’s a projectile character.

Théo Gilbert Parizot

I'm a zen OTP
Here is what I got
Always have both orb up, no matter what
Your balls got infinite range and aim perfectly, so stay as far as possible from the opponent
You got 150 total HP. 50 HP + 100 Shield. You can snag small hp pack if you want to (they heal 75 total hp, and you have 50 hp, so the extra hp go to your Shield) but never the big one, it's no use unless you want to deny the opponent from it. Leave it to that ally you can't heal since you're already healing one with low hp
Never be scared of using tranquility. I tend to always wait the exact last moment but end up dying. Just go with it. Zen can heal and damage at the same time, that mean easy ult charge. Maybe try to detect when oppoenet have ult. Also, always go in front of the opponent when you ult, they can't shoot allies behind you.
Charged balls are powerful, whatever you do, always charge up before turning inside a corridor or when reaching the objective, you got a huge burst of damage at your hand that deal 230 if all orb hit non headshot. All flanker are dead with this. You can follow up with a melee if the opponent had 250 hp.
Orb last 3s after the targeted person (ally or opponent) is behind a wall. You can use this as a 3s wallhack for opponent.
You have 0 mobility. And with only 150 total hp, welcome to die. Stay near your dudes or ask a teammate to escort you.

Addrian Carl Invento

orbs, predict, and charge

Charles Giraldo

1) learn to lead the shot on moving targets
2) always keep harmony and discord orbs up
3) better for you to keep your harmony orb on your flanker than let your mercy or moira try to get to them (keep your "close" range healers out of danger)
4) call out the discords to give the team an enemy to focus on and melt, or a sneaky flanker so your team is aware of their positioning
5) Never push to the front line unless you're taking advantage of your ult
6) try to stay near corners or usable cover. Slow movement means you'll see the D.Va bomb coming but be unable to get out of the way if you're in a wide open area
7) Charge shot does some real damage, use it when coming around corners
8) You can end a phara ult near instantly so make sure to do so when it happens
9) never lag to far behind your tanks, you may need saving from a flanker
10) be wary of Ana's grenades. It essentially nullifies your ult.

Cornelia Klefelt

Aim pracc is life. I always spend time practicing aim with him if i'm gonna play him!

Dominik Huml

Focus on dmg

Steinar Bolme Aweis

Predict their movement as you wanna lead the shot, call out your discords so dps can follow through, heal when needed, use your ult mainly for countering grav + dps ult as your ult pretty much outheals any dps ult! zen is an utility healer so maximize that utility! GL mate!

Ryley Somers

repetition is the path to mastery

Tom Bears Borselli

I'mma Zenyatta main, 130+ hours, got a tattoo of him in my arm. Here we go:

I put a lot of Ana's in a scrim game and only headshots. Makes you learn accuracy with projectiles quick.

His charge shot is amazing, use it when you get some game sense down and fire it into choke points where you expect people to pop out from. It does INSANE damage.

His Transcendence can be awesome to get everybody back up to full, don't feel you need to JUST save it for the ult-negation. You can essentially erase Genji's and Pharaoh's Ults from the equation. This being said, if they have a good Genji or Pharah who is giving your team hell definitely save it. Communicate your Discords.

Finally, the thing that helped me the most was changing my key bindings for my Discord and Harmony orbs to your mouse wheel. It takes some time to get down buy it allowed me use my left hand to completely focus on my movements while allowing me to spam to orb where I want. Also helped when I fired off my charge shot and spammed my Discord, buffing the second half of my hits to do extra damage to targets that just rounded the corner.

And those are my tips! Lemme know if you have any more questions!

Miranda English

A lot of it is game sense and knowing who to discord. Usually tanks are the best targets bc they will melt when debuffed. But if you know the enemy pharah is causing issues or may have her ult, use discord on her to help your hitscan take her out quickly, etc. Charge shot is amazing when you’re peaking corners. Know where the enemy’s head will be when you aim at chokes. keep harmony orb on flankers or frontline. If you’re being dived, call it out and harmony your other healer so they can help keep you up. Play as far back as possible bc your orbs have no fall off damage. Other than that, practice predicting aim in the training grounds and save your ult for other ults that deal damage slowly, such as dragon blade, rocket barrage, grav, or death blossom. trance will not heal through nerf, rip tire, or meteor strike because of the burst. be aware of what ults the enemy team will have that you can counter and save it :) good luck

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