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I placed on comp ctf. Made quite a few flag returns but overall I feel like I didn't...


Christie Hammons

I placed on comp ctf. Made quite a few flag returns but overall I feel like I didn't do much. This is the highest I've placed on any competitive game. One of my friends I grouped with for every match was nearly 1k below my st and his stats are better in almost every aspect. I don't get the scoring system at all. :/

Dylan Schmid

Even though you may have lost or have not felt you were doing much — the said you were performing like a plat. Just keep playing like you were and you can maintain the rank or climb out of that rank.

Julia Nicole

I feel like it looks way more at your hero performance than it should in CTF. I played the placements with some of my friends to get some extra comp points to spend, and we all roughly placed the same like in our regular placements.

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