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Switch I love Splatoon 2, but, I'm getting tired of having to watch the map announcements....


Elatia Langford

I have never agreed with something so quickly. I know Nintendo is all about being different, but they need to learn about accessibility from the companies holding the giant status Nintendo once held.

Make this intro junk skippable, place us in front of the door we entered instead of placing us right in the start of the hub when we exit a shop, tighten up the aiming so that motion controls aren't required to truly be great, take salmon run off the weird schedule it's on... and for the love of God... implement a system where we can create equipment loadouts.. loadouts that we can switch while respawning and between games.

Jimmy Barton

Every piece of dialogue in the game is so cringe inducing.

Johnathan King

I actually llook forward to it and enjoy it. If it was everyone 4 hours no... but I like having a welcome screen

Daniel Wayno

It would be fine it it went on it's own, but it requires a large number of button pushes to bypass. Make it a running deal that doesn't require input to continue, and that you can press B to make the text go by faster.

Half the time it comes on I look away and forget that I have to keep pressing A the whole time to make it continue to the end.

Gilbert Cruz

Is it that hard to press the A button ? lol

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