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I know dps mains will hate this (they hate anything that counters genji or tracer)...


Matthew Baron

I think she is good where she is and I play her very effectively

Eoghan MacArthur

Her freeze should be dependent on how much health the enemy has

low health = ez freeze
high health = difficult freeze

This should count for total health as well, making Mei a strong pick Vs highly mobile heroes (which she should already be imo) and less effective Vs Tanks.

Mica Hammer

Freeze barriers to fortify ally barriers. Freeze enemy barriers to make them easier to break through. That sounds awesome!

Jerun Lung

Dps main here, but i like that idea, more barrier counters than just spam

Rashid A. Haneef

Have the ability to send snowball out and scan an area, like Hanzo scout arrow, then return. How long it stays and scans for= battery level, which goes down when used and goes up slowly only if mei is outside (solar panels) add a cancel button to allow faster return to save battery. Also ult only lasts full time if battery full, otherwise lower battery= shorter ult duration...

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