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I don't play EVE, but this is probably the craziest thing to happen in any video game...


Ben Ranalli Jr

I don't play EVE, but this is probably the craziest thing to happen in any video game ever in history.

Seth Fieldhouse

Eve is brutal.

Andrew Lindquist

that is asome

Mark Fontaine

this literally made me go download eve...

Ben Ranalli Jr

Same Mark. Can you imagine that first hour after GIGX got permabanned? To be a fly on the wall for that reaction omg.

Sam Monaghan


Patric Hoog

to much text

Irfan Aziz

tl:dr pls

Ben Ranalli Jr

That's Millennials for you. God forbid they have to read something

Calvin DiBartolo

good lord that was a lot of reading about shit noone cares about. So much droning on, pretty sure it mentioned the guy targeting Judge to turn 3 times, Trillions of ISK is cool, but I have absolutely no perspective for it and still dont.

This article was a lot of useless information that could have gone elsewhere in favor of the meat of the article.

TL;DR version:
Some dude got fed up with his alliance leader, had ties to another alliance IRL, went turncoat, sold a $20,000 worth of shit to enemy alliances and ditched. Old alliance leader rages out and makes real life threats.

Literally all I got out of it after reading all that garbage

Ben Ranalli Jr

The summary because Calvin's TLDR shows he can't read.

The story revolves around 3 gamers mainly. GIGX, The Judge, and Aryth.

GIGX is (was) the leader of a 4,000 member faction called Co2 (Circle of Two). Apparently he was a real dickhead and backstapped tons of players about a year ago in something called the "Casino Wars". Something The Judge did not agree with, but felt like Co2 was toxic anyway and needed to be out on their own since they didn't mesh with any other coalitions. Needless to say he made a lot of enemies. Nonetheless his faction is (was) extremely powerful. So he was basically just swinging his big gamer dick around at the expense of others.

Aryth is a very high ranking member of the Goonswarm Federation, another large faction. He's also the one who instigated the coup by turning The Judge. He is also a member of CSM (Council of Stellar Management) which are like moderators I gathered. Aryth and many others swore revenge on Co2 for their betrayal a year ago in the Casino Wars.

The Judge is also a member of CSM and a trusted veteran in the community. He was getting tired of GIGX being a cocksucker to everyone and felt the culture of Co2 was just shitty in general.

EVE has a real life summit where some of the highest ranking gamers attend. At one of these summits Aryth had a brief moment where he was alone with The Judge. It was here he convinced The Judge to flip on Co2.

On September 11, The Judge made his move. He started by selling Co2's largest super weapon, the Keepstar citadel, to Aryth's faction. Co2 immediately started to deploy all over the galaxy but were not able to do so as other factions surrounded the planets they were on. They were mostly trapped and unable to evacuate with their belongings.

GIGX got the panicked phone calls from his highest officers but it was too late. $20k worth of real life in game currency were gone, as well as their most powerful battleships and assets. They were completely and totally crippled within minutes.

GIGX got on to the servers and immediately started asking for The Judge's personal information, and threatened him IRL. He didn't know it, but that feed was live streaming on Twitch, and he was permanantly banned from EVE for making real life threats. Within an hour of the coup's beginning, GIGX lost everything he worked for including his account.


Ghevi Sartor

But eve is garbage point click space game u cant even control the ship in combat

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