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I’m probably gonna get bashed for this. But what is that best way to climb out of...


Diante Spidey LaRue

I can give some tips since I fell from 2700 to 2300 and I just got out of gold again. Using mainly lucio. It’s best to be flex in gold because everyone auto locks so try to just work to be the best role that the team lacks

Matt Bubp

I'm also in gold (for the first time, plat isn't great either but this is worse) and I understand your struggle.

The biggest hurdle I've run into is a lack of communication with teammates. Generally I might get one or two other people with mics at best, so it's important to be somewhat self sufficient. Getting good with Hog and Zarya is great, as gold players seem to have a hard time dealing with them.

Aiming skill is lacking down here, so Pharah can be really good as well in the right situation.

Christina Lyle

What are your avg deaths as mercy? Lately I’ve been averaging 3 per game anything more then 5/6 either I’m out of position as mercy or my team isn’t helping me. Stay alive and keep healing, dang boost dps as much as possible especially if they’re going in for a big push. Sometimes I tell my team I’m boosting so the other healer knows to focus on healing. I boost reaper a lot if there is a shield up or a tank out of place

Adam Lane

Literally just get a team get to know how they play make sure you know when to call shots and who's best in what roles etc

Samin Hossain

Stop blaming your team and see what YOU can do better

Eric Carman

Do your best every game even if it's unranked

Sami Ullah

duo with someone and play winson zen

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