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Hi lovelies! I’m new with Overwatch, and just recently began to play competitive play....


Erica Champa

Hi lovelies! I’m new with Overwatch, and just recently began to play competitive play. I was curious to know if someone has any tips or tricks on how to level up? Thanks in advance!

Jessie Soriano

git gud + solo queue

Emily Potter

Sound is one of the most important mechanics in the game learn to recognize foot steps, it's the most op defense against a flanker. You should always be using your mic and making call outs, let others know where people are so they have to spend less time figuring it out for themselves. Call out important abilities like such as deflect if you see them used. Stay close to your team if you're not playing a flanker. Everything else is just motor skills and learning the maps which comes with time played.

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