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PC Hi Everyone, my friend and I are trying out the try-before-you-buy trial and we are...


Mel De Wit

Hi Everyone, my friend and I are trying out the try-before-you-buy trial and we are really enjoying the game. That being said, we are not keen pvp'rs and have no interest in raiding. I've heard of trials but dont know what it is. Would it be possible to keep levelling by playing pve content only? Also, what does it mean to be a sweaty player?

Jeffrey B. Shuflin

Yes, you can level up many different ways. PvE is the main focus for leveling up. Sweaty is a PvP term that refers to players that try hard to win

John Hwe

It's gonna get dry real quick if you aren't into raiding or pvp

Mel De Wit

Our main thing is that neither of us are interest in playing with strangers in a team setting or pugging (Gw2 raids cured us of that). We dont mind doing events over and over. We're mainly interested in exploring and anything that requires just the two of us. We may have another friend joining. Nothibg competitive though

Karl Luebeck

1. If you have no interest in raiding your cutting a lot of end game out of your destiny experience.

2. Trials aka “sweaty playlist” is the top tier competitive playlist for people who aspire to be the best at destiny pvp

3. You can play pve solely without playing anything else and yes you can reach max power level (305 but it’s about to change to 335) without playing anything else.

4. Please do not rule out raiding because it’s the best and most immersive part of the pve experience for destiny and in my personal opinion raiding is where the best destiny friendships are born.

I’ve played destiny since it’s early testing days years ago. I’ve seen every glitch, exploit, and cheese strategies throughout the games lifespan and I still come back for more. If you stay with destiny and survive the storm you’ll be rewarded with a positive experience.

There is plenty of things to do if your a loner like me who has a hard time interacting with other people. It may be repetitive at times but it satisfies me

Kamil Guderian Ornat

^. 4. Yes but raiding can be toxic af, i want next raid to be less "some1 fucked up? You all die" and more "skill"

Shin Hoon Cha

As you play, you can get to know a few more people. Since you already have 3 people, just need to make 1 friend each and you'll have 6 people for a raid. The best parts of the raid is when you're messing up and trying to figure out how you can improve. Once everyone has it mastered, it's just not as fun anymore.

Mattie Cottrell

I hit 305 today without ever raiding. So yes, it is possible. just will take a bit more time.

Chris Hunt

Then nightfall is for you

Cj Donham

eliminating pvp and raiding is removing all endgame. so if youre ok with getting bored of all games bc of preferences. then destiny is a good choice for a 2-3 week game

Kamil Guderian Ornat

^ sad part about "eliminating pvp" is that you eliminate some of the best weapons in the game

Desiree Slayton

My fri3nd and I leveled with pve content. We started with trial and bout it. PvP at lvl1 sucked, but at 20 you get better gear and survive a bit better, but with that, it isn't for everyone. I'm enjoying it. We are mostly doing pve, and we will be running stuff soon. I come from WoW so I get into the collecting gear and raids type of stuff.

Kamil Guderian Ornat

For PVE based game i recommend warframe

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