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Hey, I hope some of you can help me. I want to watercool my cpu. I thought about the...


Lukas Stadler

Hey, I hope some of you can help me.

I want to watercool my cpu.

I thought about the Eisbaer 420 but got told that there is no performance increase compared to my very good air cooling.
The Eisbaer 420 + 3 new fans would be 220€.

Is there a chance I get a 420 rad solution to watercool my cpu for that budget?

Kane Hewson

Whats your cpu? A good air cooler is pretty bloody close to a AIO watercooler

Lukas Stadler

6700K, runs stable at 4.63GHz at 1.32V but gets pretty hot >90°C at ambient 26°C

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