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Hey guys I want some help I am waiting to get paid and when I do I want to build a new...

  • Thread starter Harry Leslie William Taylor
  • Start date

Harry Leslie William Taylor

Hey guys I want some help I am waiting to get paid and when I do I want to build a new pc I been stuck with a pre built horrible pc I have a budget of £1300 - £1800 any advice except the amount I am willing to pay I get it may be a bit to much or to little but that's the amount I am willing to pay and no matter what I am getting a SSD for the OS

Ricardo Huertas

You should wait until the market stabilizes honestly; all gpus are overpriced. Even the 1050 and 1050 ti are going for ~$120 more than the retail price.

Harry Leslie William Taylor

How long will it take of so I'll do my driving lessons

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