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hey all hope i can get some help here this is my first build but was back in 2015....


Scott King

hey all hope i can get some help here
this is my first build but was back in 2015.

what would cause random restarts in only one particular game? (elite dangerous)
temps are fine.. mem test was fine for 3 hours..
occt psu test for about an hour no issues...recently rebuilt the pc and dusted it all tried underclocking the gpu.
i do on the odd ocasion have 1stick of ram show up as hardware reserved in task maneger but a restart fixes that and it was ok with mem test.
gigabyte 970a ud3p
asus r9 290
16gb hyperx fury 4x4
no overclocks ??
any help would be great its driving me crazy lol

Scott King

anyone ?

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