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PC Ha! Took a loooong break. Last played 10/23/2017. Come back to a 17.9GB update....


Michael Garcia

Ha! Took a loooong break. Last played 10/23/2017. Come back to a 17.9GB update. Anyways I used to run a real strong tribe named "Dinomite" but on unofficials. Looking to rebuild the 35+ man tribe. I am also thinking of running a server but for now I am focused on running a tribe.

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last but not least share our info with everyone you know. Looking to build the biggest tribe in history. 300-500+ members strong. This includes all players types. Hardcore PVP, PVE, RP, etc. Come survive with us.

Nick Tselios

Are you still looking to do unofficial?

Michael Garcia

Yes the majority of us when we were a 40+ man tribe focused on the fast paced action of unofficials. Not only that I will be streaming soon so it would be nice to start getting a hungry playerbase to help us build our empire back up. If the interest is not there then it won't happen but the gaming community will be here just no focus on a specific game until the majority starts to take things more serious and help the tribe/community out.

Nick Tselios

What map are you looking at doing

Michael Garcia

Normally we do a voting system using a poll to see what the majority wants. The specifics doesn't matter too much. The point is to create a strong, cohesive, tribe that will have fun time and time again. We operate within a system and it works if everyone pitches in. This game can we played in so many ways. The fun, experimenting is endless with the right people/group.

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