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PC Greetings fellow guardians! I know D2 players are generally toxic but nevertheless I'm...


Isaac Cooper

Greetings fellow guardians!
I know D2 players are generally toxic but nevertheless I'm here and asking you all this.
I'm working on a Destiny 2 funny moments video, I'm only a very small way through and this is only a 40% quality video export but I figured I get some advice now before I finish the whole thing in case its no good. I am expecting shitty comments but I will be paying attention to legitimate feedback.
Is it even remotely funny?
Again, only a fraction of the way through editing, many more clips and adjustments down my sleeve.

My channel:
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Tim Cmn Nguyen

Are we toxic?!

Miroslav Milicevic

Yes it is remotley funny, if you have stuff to point some jokes more out would be great BUT for your oppinion that i am toxic (as a D2 player) - gtfo! :p

Chad Morris

Haha that part with the bouncing crate and the qwen stafani song is great

Anthony Rosario

That’s so sad , I’m a D1 player. Back then destiny was about community building and helping each other with leveling up and raiding. Now I agree it’s been pretty toxic . Not all but a bunch are .

Anthony Rosario

Funny video tho

Damon Wolf

The thing you have to remember about toxicity is a simple pattern that can be attributed to ALL things.

You see a nerd will actively seek things out, no matter how obscure, because its what they love. They don't wait for tv adverts or some trendy wanker trying to sell you things at a big E3 show, or some uninteresting youtuber's lets play video, trying to come off as hip and happening whilst taking money for third party advertising. When gaming wasn't big or popular, even before Nintendo (Yes, that old) we were there writing patch codes for the Amiga, Amstrad, Atari, Intellivision etc to work on PC, because that's what you did, lol.

When anything goes mainstream, when it gets more popular and certain games lack the higher skill ceiling older ones did, it pulls in very emotionally stunted vitriolic asshats. These asshats fucking LOVE the fact they essentially have anonymity when they claim they had relations with your mum, miles away, behind their mic. Some of them think the mic on their face is an audition for fucking x-factor too. But I digress...

Toxicity is not inherent to gaming, it's inherent to people's attitude towards gaming, and although we're not really supposed to say it out loud, some people are just cunts, and that's all there is to it. Cunts play games now because they don't have to think too hard when plugging in the vidya gaemz box etc.

Oh and having an opinion like this means you're an elitist virgin. XD

Isaac Cooper

Video is live everyone!

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