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Xbox One Fresh start on the scorched earth map due to every other map corrupting. PVP/PVE Each...


Elliot Collins

Fresh start on the scorched earth map due to every other map corrupting. PVP/PVE
Each player can take 1 tame to ragnarock
(Proof will be needed of this tame, no golems, no wyverns can be taken over)

150 after tame Horse per tribe
150 after tame tappy per person

Currently 20-25 people on a evening. NEED MORE PVP PLAYERS

Wyverns raise in 40 mins no milk needed
No cave building.
No admin abuse
Admin commands shown
Raiding PVE tribes is insta ban. Same goes for PVE tribes who raid

Fb: Wookiesworld world ark server
Host gt: Wooki3sworld2

PVE tribes must put it in there tribe name
Changing tribe name from PVE to PVP or vice versa will be punished by wiping of structures.

Stats will be dropped slightly upon the release of ragnarock.
I'm looking for the PVE players to be the traders/ merchants if you will. I want to limit items spawned by admins and promote trading amongst the community. Upon ragnarock release PVE tribes will get a form of protection I.e turrets to help out.

2x player stats
Dinos weight and Stam increase
50x egg hatch
50x mater speed (wyverns in 40/50min)

2.5x loot drop
6x harvest
10x Experience
10x taming
3x plant growth

Matt Blankenberger

John Semple Adrian Terrell I like the stats and the map let's do this one

Mat Shewell


Trent Estes


Bethany Saueressig

How short is the wait between breeding animals? I might be interested in joining and playing during the times my other server is down.

Elliot Collins

Standard as the raising is soo quick. The server setting is actually 10x mature rate but dragons raise is 40 mins.

If it was 10x it be 5/6 hours

Bethany Saueressig

Ah, ok. I will keep looking for a server with low breeding cooldown, but if I can't I might come back to this one. My current server I'm trying to breed mute hyenas, and the cool down is usually only 3 hours max. Looking for something similar to that.

Elliot Collins

Have it too low and people can breed like crazy when it comes to your big tames so I like to keep it standard or a little lower

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