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Switch Does anyone else get picky with the games they play? Personally, I'm not a huge fan...

  • Thread starter Nathaniel Woodhull
  • Start date

Nathaniel Woodhull

Does anyone else get picky with the games they play?

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of modern games with 8-bit graphics-it had it's time, but now I feel suffocated by all these games. I also get very tired of seeing games that have beautifully designed thumbnail artwork, only for the actual game to be designed in pixels.

I'm also not comfortable playing platformers or lifestyle games-Super Mario Odyssey is an exception, but my first experience with platforming games back in the day has only pushed me further away from the genre.

As for lifestyle games, like the Sims or Zoo Tycoon, they always end in some kind of disaster for me.

Ben Bishop

I hate modern retro games personally. I find them boring. It's like they just try and use nostalgia. Yeah there's the odd gem that comes through but overall like you said it's generally had its time.

I have tried quite a few indie games and pretty much hated them all unfortunately. Again there's been the odd gem but overall they've bored the hell out of me. I'll still play the old Mario's, sonics, final fantasies etc but i love modern gaming and find it hard to go back.

Collier Godfrey

I’m kind of what so called ‘retro’ gamers hate. I usually don’t care for anything that isn’t a AAA title with decent reviews unless it’s part of a series I like. I also avoid sidescrollers I haven’t already played. They all feel either too easy, too hard, or too boring nowadays (I love the DK ones though ironically). I don’t bother with games that won’t get me at least 40 hours of play time. I messed up with the Switch in trying to follow the releases and get any game I might want to play only to remember why I never follow releases; I play what I want when I feel like it. Unfortunately my Switch will be in a coma when I finally play through Odyssey until the next exclusive IP I care about comes out.

Johnathon Mendez

I can completely agree with what you're saying. My first thought after hearing "indie game" is legit "another pixel style platformer". And the covers you mentioned I totally think that also. Games like Celeste and Blossom Tales I was interested in because of the art, but then seeing the games I become disappointed because I can't see that art again, and it's worse for me because I'm not a fan of low detail sprites like those games use

Brooke Ferguson

I agree. I'm tired of *what I feel* are crappy side-scrollers with crappy graphics. I want more realistic-looking games.

Justin Strawn

The game could look like pong. If it’s fun it’s fun. That’s the way I view it. I love me some AAAs as well but sometimes those are less fun than the cheap indies. I also consider myself a pretty open minded gamer. I will try literally any game for a bit.

Matt Van Lew

I made the same comment on another switch group and the idiot administrator disagreed with me and banned me

Dicky Holmes

If this turns into an argument I'll delete the comment, not trying to cause an argument just genuinely curious... If you want AAA games with the best graphics, why did you buy a switch?

Alice Ewing

While I totally get how common and played out the low res retro artstyle is. I don't think it matters if the gameplay is good. I get the weird feeling you're offhandedly talking about the binding of isaac (as it perfectly fits your description of a game with beautiful cover art and pixelated gameplay)
Binding of isaac is a phenominal game, I do however wish that edmund didn't change the artstyle, as it used to have a very flash game esque artstyle that was awesome, but for some reason he changed it.

Gregg Cerenzio

Nope. I play hundreds of games a year. LOVE todays Pixel Art games. they are NOT "8-Bit Graphics". Anyone who says that, has a really poor memory of what 8 bit games color pallet was, sprite size and count was, and animations was like.

Perry Mangeneige de Bourremou

Retro games forever. I want a million more games like this thanks! Best art style ever made.

Tim Lawrence

The only "8-bit modern game" I can think of on the switch would be Shovel Knight. Most of the art style you could classify as 16 or even 32 bit. I do agree on how common they are but some are worth checking out because they offer such passion behind their creation. Stardew Valley is an example of that but you said you don't like sims.

Josh Huntley

I will try any game, the only exception being strategy games, especially RTS games. I'm horrible at games like StarCraft, and would probably be terrible at the Mario/Rabbids crossover game from Ubisoft. I've never beat a Final Fantasy Tactics game, got bored of Jeanne d'Arc, have barely played Transister, and have never played a Civilization game. Dawn of War is the only strategy game that I did ok at. Other then strategy games, maybe specific sports games, like Nascar. I would rather play NFS or Forza.

Nathaniel Woodhull

I'm kind of surprised that people are discussing the examples that I gave rather than my actual question. To restate it: does anyone else decide what to play and not to play based on the genre or look of the game?

Josh Huntley

Back in the early 2000's I refused to play anything that had low quality, retro or especially cell shaded graphics. There was this game series called Dark Cloud for PS2 everyone said was a great game. As soon as I saw it was cell shaded, I refused to play it. Same with Crackdown, XIII, and even No More Heroes on Wii.

Mike Redel

To each their own

Jason Kindell

This doesn't seem to unusual for the modern gen gamer.

Jose Juan Vela Jr.

Not really. I just don't play many sports games unless they are arcadey like NBA Jam. And I don't play dating sims. I go from my Switch to PS4 to my NES with no
problems and I enjoy everything from 8bit and beyond. a fun game is a fun game to me.

Cole Bowser

By lifestyle you mean simulator

Kyler Ferry

I'm a tad picky as well lol I'm not a fan of jrpgs, side scrollers, most platformers, or turn based combat lol all things that are flooding the switch estore lol

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