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Do any of you guys use the app "Pulseway"? Noticed a lot of towers using LCD screens...


Cody Pierce

Do any of you guys use the app "Pulseway"? Noticed a lot of towers using LCD screens as temp gauges. This app will allow you to wake the computer up, turn it off, monitor temps, close apps, etc. all from you phone. I found this pretty useful app especially when I am at work or away from my computer and need something done. I'm sure there is a command so you can remote in, but I have not found that option yet.

Chris Toubezoglou

idk how functional this app is or whatever but people ussualy leave teamviewer on and remote in like that. if this saves data and time then it is a pretty cool idea.

Jack Sullivan

Yes I’ve been using it for the past month

William Burbidge

Thank you :) Ill have a look at this

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