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Can someone teach me how to use her properly? I can't get with her at all


Tempest Rogers

Can someone teach me how to use her properly? I can't get with her at all

Aubrey Byrd

flow and always use every ability the second it cools down

Justin Lira Aguero

Less dps more heals

Michael Rumbolo

Ya gotta zig when ya zag and ya gotta bing when ya badda boom, capisce?

Justin Lira Aguero

Her ult builds up faster when u heal ur team let tht sink in

Luis Angel Cordero

more dps less healing

Jeroen Berghmans

Less dps more healing. Don't be the ordinairy Moira main pls.....

Tricia Stevens

Fade is a huge ability people tend to forget about. It’s a life saver and probably a tad OP (am a Moira main). She have a huge range on her main dps hand and when not healing you should always be using that, since you need to in order to recharge your healing hand. Her balls are situational and will take learning to figure those out

Riley Talbot

Heal, stop playing her like a dps you're the reason you're losing

Cathy Doropan

If you ONLY heal, you'll eventually run out and can only rely on your orbs. So you gotta do dps as much as healing since taking enemies' health replenishes your health bar and your healing spray

Camren Matthew Kirkland

Play her like she's designed to play

A mix of heal/dps
She has the best healing output of any support, as well as very good damage

Mika Alexis

Are you on ps4? I could show u da wae sometime if you want.

If not than some key tips are to always heal when you can. Never use your damage orb unless your team is fully healed and you know the enemies can't make it to you within her cooldown time

If you're low on healing piss, than bounce a heal orb around and slurp some enemies to regain healing power. DONT get carried away and go for kills. You're a healer not a soldier 76

The biggest problem for moiras I think, is when a 6v6 starts and it's chaos and everyone needs healing the best thing to do is:
Remain calm and DONT use all of your spray, it heals them overtime remember, what you DO do is spray at all your teammates until you have half or less on your bar and then throw a healing orb, do some damage until your full or nearly full, and then spray heal again. That's the key to winning fights the biggest mistake I see is when a moira is taking damage in a team fight but she's so worried about using her spray heal to help her teammates that she's the first one to die. Make sure if you start to get low on health, you matter more than anyone else, slurp some people or throw a heal orb.

Andy Angel

get a feel for how her orbs ricochet so you can keep them healing/dealing damage as long as possible, wasting an orb and sending it flying skyward or away from your team can cost you a fight.

Don't be afraid to throw a healing orb early on if you think a fight is about to break out, because it can take a while for it to actually reach your target and they could be dead by then. On a lot of maps you can even throw a healing orb from spawn towards your team (eg: lijang garden) as the cd won't mean anything and you might be able to some long distance healing/damage and ult charge off it.

Zachary McGowan

Dont listen to the guys that say dont dps with her. Not only do you literally need to dps, but the reason moira is so good rigjt now is her potential in dps. Her heals are really good, but her damage is what can win fights. Make sure though that you at least try to keep your team alive.

Kai River

actually heal.

Drew Franko

Her raw healing.out put and.survivability is off the charts like legit doesn't even compare to any of the other is really about knowing when to go finish off enemies and when to back off heal team

Anthony Santiago

Get a second healer for the cry babies and fucking kill everything in sight!!! And it will be easy cause 95% of this group cries about her yet won’t switch to any of her counters! ‍♀

Tiana Higgins

So I build Moira's ult within a minute most of the time. Focus on healing and doing some DPS to keep your secondary healing up there. Her spray still heals after a couple seconds so just time that with their health and don't keep spraying. I don't build her ult that fast when I focus mainly on DPS. That sucks when I actually have a second healer that's actually good at healing too the battle is always figuring out when to put out a damage orb or a healing orb. Still trying to get that down. When you do use a healing orb to get the maximum use out of it make sure it bounces off of walls. Sometimes if her ult is there and the team is just taking too much damage I just use my ult to keep them alive.

Ben Hoang

- Always fully heal your teammates before succing them
- Only use orbs of discord ( black orb ) if you're far from a live team fight or you have to deal with a single hero. Otherwise if chased by a group of enemy, or your team is sticking with each other and severely damaged, or you're in a team fight, fire orbs of harmony
- Don't waste all the healing juice, tap slowly if your ally is near at full health, and only heal your allies until their health reach to blue shield ( Zarya, Zen, Sym ), because their shield will automatically regenerate overtime, so conserve it.
- Try to use ult when both of your team and your enemy team is lined up, or you have the chance to kill tanks with shields ( Rein, Orisa... )

Emilio Martinez

Actually be a healer, chuck your dmg orb to build ult but ONLY if nobody needs healed, use your fade a lot also she doesn't work in a comp with people all over the place like, tracer, genji, dva, winston pick her wisely

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