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Best Overwatch Tip for ANY Rank: The less Deaths you have, the better you will play....


Tj Pho

Best Overwatch Tip for ANY Rank:
The less Deaths you have, the better you will play. If you see any opportunity to build ult charge and NOT die. Take it. The game is all about team work and ult usage. If your team trickles in and keeps dying then just fall back by yourself and wait for a group up. If they dont group up, then still fall back when they die and use your teammates as a distraction to the enemy. Hold on to your ult untill you see that your team is kind of grouped up and when you have the opportunity to use your ult. Always use your ults on the enemy supports or if the enemy team is using their ult. Ex: Sometimes I think I’ll get a big blade on the enemy team but when I get close the enemy Rein will solo ult me. And its ok because he just outplayed me and saved his team. If the enemy genji ults and you have grav, solo ult him. Genji is the most dangerous enemy to fight against. Enemy zarya has grav? Dont be so grouped up next to your teammates. Rein has shatter? Dont group up in front of him. Stay close to walls in case of dva bomb and high noon. Hanzo ult? Move the fuck out of the way. Take any chance you get to die less and you will progress as a player

Meesta Buttaz

well said. I think you just changed a part of the way I play.

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