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All this bullshit on youtube on "how to rank up" it doesn't work. If you actually by...


Chris Mann

All this bullshit on youtube on "how to rank up" it doesn't work. If you actually by that your mentally fucked. Im tired of being stuck in silver and bronze. The new proformance sr should be for everyone. Not only diamonds and up EVERYONE! Im sick amd tired of this unfair, low ranked bullshit.

Amanda Kristeen Zimmer

Advice from someone who has solo queued out of bronze and almost hit plat: The best thing you can do is constantly look at what you can improve. Notice your mistakes and fix them, work on your game sense and positioning. It might take awhile and it can be frustrating but it's possible.

Sergio Barraza

It doesn't work because you suck and blame everything that isn't yourself

Mark Neoneo

Lol that moment you suck so much u start blaming a system that has been working for years with millioms of players and suggesting that actually pro ppl needs to be pulled down to your level. Hm.

James Brown

You are one of 6 people on a team. Even if the other 5 are pure shit you still need to be a team player and focus on winning and not medals or potg.

Alaa Yassine

he's right about the SR thingy, if you're a tank main you'll gain less SR than a mercy main which is bullshit.

Dan Zug

It'S buy not By. Ok? Bye.:)

Killian Haynes

What really sucks is what works for winning in bronze/silver doesnt work at higher ranks

Aaron Icardi

I agree it should be for everyone. I'm a tank main and performance based SR only rewards DPS players mostly, as for your rank, if you're that low then you deserve to be there, look at your vods and coaching videos and try to improve your game. A couple heroes that can carry in Silver/Bronze imo are Hog/Soldier/Pharah, you don't need to main those heroes to carry yourself out of Bronze it u really are better than where the game placed you

Travis Doyle

performance sr is useless after diamond as it only determines mechanical skill and from there everyone has achieved a clear difference between bad aiming at silver/gold with positional mechanics that are a muct at higher lefvels.. if you cant get out of bronze/silver take that time to play 80% of the heroes at your raink so you can flex even more effitiently as you progress up the ranks.

Dhanj Narasimhan

Is this bait

You're blaming the system when you're literally ranked below average lol

Kaili Jennings

I play diamond level. But I got curious on how bad it is to climb out of Bronze/silver.
So I hopped on a new account, got with a team trying to throw, and got Bronze.

I was back in plat after a few days.
I play flex too so...
Its probs just you?

Michael Wright

Elo hell doesn't and will never exist in a competitive game. If you're better than the competition then you will always tip the scales in your favor. If you're not climbing you're where you need to be.

Dante Cousar

be good at 1 character in each category your rank up easy and also check the star difficulty of them they determine your sr and skill

Lin Galini

Personal and honest opinion--> for 2 seasons i was stuck around 500 sr while i main mercy. Few days ago i bought new pc, formed a team and when i solo q i use team chat. In literally 3 days i climbed from 700 to 1500 sr. Feel free to comment.

Wai Yip Cheong


Mark Bendon

There is only 1 way of getting out of elo hell:
Get gud and carry yourself and the rest of the players on your team out.

There is no point blaming anyone but yourself for your rank, because millions of people rank up and down every day. The SR system works fine buddy. One tricking, flexing, it doesn't matter. Make plays and Carry and you will be out in no time :)

Chris Eccleston

All this bullshit on youtube on "how to rank up" it doesn't work. If you actually by that your mentally fucked. Im tired of being stuck in silver and bronze. The new proformance sr should be for everyone. Not only diamonds and up EVERYONE! Im sick amd tired of this unfair, low ranked bullshit.

Mark Purdy

I just made a how to rank up video for Pharah on YouTube, it covers everything you need to know, think about and how to communicate, what to communicate and which combos work best. This is knowledge, combined with mechanical practice, this will help you rank up - which it has done for hundreds of my fans. If you’re tired of being stuck there, step back and figure out what it is going on - and don’t just sit and critique your team, look at yourself too

Zac Harben

If you are stuck in bronze, would it even be possible to climb further if your own skill couldnt get you out?

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