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PC Admin, maybe pin this post and let others add onto it? For everyone who aren’t able...


Nishant Desai

Admin, maybe pin this post and let others add onto it?

For everyone who aren’t able to get outta their current tiers but think you’re better:

1. Group up. Group up. Group up. Push with the tanks first, then dps, healers in the backlines. Don’t hesitate to fall back.

2. Be aware and have gamesense. Especially tanks. ALWAYS. Jump off map if fight is lost. Tanks bodyblock healers or low health dps. Moira - don’t only dps, HEAL.

3. Don’t overextend. Especially not to the point where you’re out of line of sight of your healers.

4. Squishies - USE THE SHIELDS. McCree main - you’re not a tank. Junkrats - don’t think you’re a tank. DON’T FEED and then say ‘I have gold damage’.

5. Be nice. Sometimes people are still giving their best though you’re losing. Accept it and work around it.

6. Don’t instalock but FLEX. There will always be Trump supporters who tilt real fast. Don’t give them an opportunity to. One tricks only climb, esp. to Diamond/Master only if you’re *incredibly* good.

7. Try to form at least a 3 or a 4 stack who flex and you REALLY synergize with. It helps LOADS in climbing.

8. Don’t play for medals. Play for the team.

9. COMBO ULTS PLEASE. Don’t be that Sombra who ults alone when everyone’s dead. Don’t be that Zarya, Reaper or Pharah who ults by themselves either without letting the team know.

10. COMMUNICATE. Try to let the backline healers be the shotcallers. A good Zen will be amazing at this. Don’t talk more than you need to during game. It distracts.

11. Check player stats, hero picks and win percentages before instalocking a character! Be gently aware of that 11% winrate Widow, esp. if she doesn’t want to swap. Be gentle about requests and leave it be and work around it if they seem salty. In fact, encourage them. It might turn their performance and game around.


Michael Wireman

Most of this is common sense and the parts that aren't are straight laughable.

Joshua Jarvis

Common sense. Not sure why you say Trump supporters are the ones tilting, in my experience... it's the ones that need safe spaces that freak out on the mic

Nishant Desai

Added points 12 and 13!

Joshua Jarvis

13 is a good one. In OWL, i believe one player on Seol Dynasty even said he plays a little warm up practice round + 1-2hrs of QP before even jumping into Comp

Dan Hill

Give all the tips you want still doesn't help the potatoes get out of Plat. And why even bring up a shitty political joke when you know that's going to turn into another debate. Learn some common sense.

Eric Grove

So, the person who posted this asks others to add more tips, and all anyone comments with is “this is just common sense stuff”, instead of contributing something that might be helpful.

Pericles Underhill

I agree with most of this. However, I’m bad enough at this game that when I flex, I lose. Atleast 75% of the time.

Magnus Johannesen

Nice dude!
Well written some people needed this. Couldn’t learn much I am 4.2-4.4k player but yeah some lower ranks needed it. If I had this when I was silver I’d be so happy

Magnus Johannesen

Also, for the people complaining about your team holding you back.

Isn’t that the challenge? Why can’t you climb? Why can somebody else climb?

Taken from Kabaji’s stream. T100 hitscan player

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