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A game we should have won... Randoms always choking... We down by 7. I brought us back...


Junior Bonham

A game we should have won... Randoms always choking... We down by 7. I brought us back it was 19-19 than dude on top gone leave a pure sharp jist to go double team bottom dude man and spam square smh

Mskwagishek Perrote

I hate playing with randoms. I need a team. Stuff like that always happens to me.

Junior Bonham

Hell yeah me too my record so trash its not even my fault itd so many games i shouldve won like the game isnt really hard if you know how to play but 2k18 got niggad that sell put ballhog take dumb shots. Dont never pass the ball when you a sharp especially in the corner it's like they wanna do shit on they own until there man reach and force him to pass.. Hell some niggas gone shoot than randoms barely got defense dont pick up on screens they really judt set back and watch and let him score sometimes i hold 2 niggas at once its sad tbh

Mskwagishek Perrote

I'm on Xbox one. My gt is viciousNDN. I have a 87 center, rim protecting post scorer. And a sharp shooting shot creator shooting guard. 89 overall.

Jorge Chza Morales

somebody need to tell randoms they can sell all they want offline on blacktop to gtfo of park boy

Ka'Bon Keevon Mitchell

I feel you bruh half my friends on during the day and I be at work so I get on and nobody on so I’m stuck with bum ass randoms that just buy vc but don’t know how to play the game pisses me off

Junior Bonham

I mean i think gameplay wise 2k18 better than 17 but 18 is too much the vc hunger cant even play on rookie fucking pro is not even pro that shit really hof This game os a failure bruhh

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