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PC You've probably seen some ways to get CP and are thinking I already have seen it all.....


Brendon Dean

You've probably seen some ways to get CP and are thinking I already have seen it all.. Well hold on, maybe you haven't.. Check out my video because my method shows you how to get you so much cementing paste the only problem you'll have is where to store it all!

If you have any questions at all, even if it has nothing to do with this video but relates to Ark I'd like to help so comment here!

Bryan Smith

Honestly this is kinda a junk video. You'd have to have 0 knowledge of the game for this to be useful to anyone

Dan Murrow

It's pronounced "Kite-in"

Dan Murrow

another thing you can do with beaver dams is take what you want and then destroy the dam with your mount, no need to remove the wood, the dams break in a few hits.

Dan Murrow

Also eating a rare flower will get the beavers to chase you without ever having to open the dam. Of course, lots of other things will chase you too.

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