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PC You can really tell everybody as been abandoned my server All the peoples bases have...


Laura Evans

You can really tell everybody as been abandoned my server
All the peoples bases have run out of time you can pick up just about every dinosaur from any server a base ran out of time you could literally pick up any dinosaur any colour any level even the Easter Bunny skin and any other you could think of i'm super worried that the server will be taken down because it's not active anymore me and my boyfriend are the only ones that go on it now

Jurie Wessels Jordaan

Come play on the Nag Servers they are active.

Robert Hartley

what are details of server like boosts and mods ?

Jack Aslan

PvE? If so, come join Ark 324. Still about 7-8 people on at any given time.

TeeJay Rittenberry

I would be happy to recruit both of you, we are on official pvp though so you would have to make new characters but i can lend you flyers to go hit dossiers and notes and get you from lvl 1 to 76 in an hour and 30 minutes

Joe Stewart

Purplefrog is an active server. Come play with us.
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Javier Aah

Rip server

Laura Evans

Yup yup just jumped on to see is the base with all the dinosaurs was still there it was completely empty and half demolished there was at least 40 dinosaurs bloody crazy how it's been emptied

Laura Evans

Don't get why people put that much time and effort into something just to abandon it

Michael Garcia

I am going to be very harsh. Every random wants to run a server and I have no freaking clue why. You see all these trash servers with server limit of 10-20 being ran by casual gamers. Running a server is like a job. If you don't take it serious then expect an empty server. There is advertising, researching proper mods, listening to the community, providing a platform for guests to reach you, providing an experience, etc. I often laugh how many random people want to run a server. I have been playing for 2 years and I haven't even ran one yet but within a month I am about to open my first one. Here is the thing. I already have a gaming community with 300 members which I can advertise to. Let me ask you this. Why did you host a server? What was your goal?

Jerry Swihart

Michael Garcia, it's really not that hard to actually run a server if you just try and WANT to run it well. I've ran plenty of servers over plenty of games..All were incredibly successful. That's why my server is already needing upgrades on amount of spots. People start off with small player caps because they want to make sure they can grow correctly. I do all the advertising, server updates and fixes, make sure all my players are happy and taken care of, build the community centers, and still have time to play and enjoy the game myself.. Just gotta be good. ;P Ask any of my players. The best feeling is your players telling you, "Man, you're doing a good job, thanks!" Makes it all worth it. I treat them like my customers even though I'm the one paying. haha.

George Gomes

thats cuz the new servers opened up and people wanted to start over and pillar the shit out of new servers lol

Dön Hynes

I have that worry to with the legacy server I'm on. I'm just to attached to start over from scratch :(

Linnon Latham

Guest funny.

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