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OWP, tell me about the friends you've made! Tell me about your OW squad! I get really...


Jessica Gibbs

OWP, tell me about the friends you've made! Tell me about your OW squad! I get really focused on people who are toxic garbo in this game and lose sight of how many super awesome friends I've made in this game. Lets focus on some positivity :)

Pictured: the squad getting those big Ws <3 I redacted their names because IDK if they want you weirdos knowing who they are I love you weirdos though you can know who I am <3

In my squad there are two different sets of identical twins, no less than 8 Junkrat mains (half of which have golden grenade launchers.... listen I collect Junkrat mains ok?), a Murloc, a french guy, someone who was in Blizzcon's costume contest last year, this young couple that are super cute and are #relationshipgoals, my Australian son, a few streamers, a lit Bastion main, several chill as fuck stoners, a former Blizz GM (who left me for WOW q.q come back friend), Chris Fahmy and a romance novelist. I think that covers everyone The youngest of us is 15 and the eldest of us is 36. We run the gamut of ranks from Bronze to Diamond and we even know a GM who plays with us sometimes during GM Charity Hour

I have so much fun with the friends I've made in OW you guys! I have literally laughed until I cried tears and my head hurt at some of the goofy fun stuff we've said and done. I love it <3 I'll even admit, I hate playing Mercy with randoms but I will heal my squad all night and have a good time because I love them and they're great

Chris Fahmy

Where's your insano Gengu main? XP

Kayleigh Kshnique Askey

This is adorable

Alleena Zymberi

my close ow friends are like my family, we play and talk every day together & p much know everything abt each other and do/play whatever we can together haha, tho we’ve known each other just for a year theyre the best friends ive ever had ❤ we’re all meeting up this summer!! i love them with all my fkn heart forreal. theyre all gifts. im mad gay for my friends

Jacqueline Dumouchel

Haha yeah it’s all nice and stuff until you meet the wrong people.
My boyfriend tends to just start talking to people with hilarious names or people that decide to meme with him during games. Was all good and stuff but...

Turns out one girl and her friend who we also met in our group was really underage, someone from her old friend group reached out to us and basically told us she was mentally insane- personally I suspected it but I didn’t say much. My boyfriend and I live really close to her so everything I heard about her really freaked me out and I distanced myself asap. Girl apparently had liked this 23 year old guy and the dude became obsessed with her and then she tried to convince him to injure his ex girlfriend. Really not cool. She also lied a lot about her personal life to make you feel sorry for her. I did double checks on her lying or telling the truth and turns out her whole story was a lie

I’m all for meeting people online but after this encounter I’m a lot more cautious. Sadly even though this was 2 people in our group the whole group broke apart

(It use to be me (tank main), boyfriend (dps main), girl (support main), friend(dps main), another friend of ours who quit cuz of mercy nerf (support main), a guy who use to group with us a lot (tank/dps main))

Fabian Cx

One day I got queued with 4 people in a ranked match. The composition worked out so well and we communicated so good, we decided to stay playing together, so adding me to their group. Really early found out they are german too, so started to talk in german and stuff.

I know them for about 8 months now and they became so awesome friends who you just play every evening with. We even also met all together already for newyears eve and it was just awsom.

Knowing that I would have just needed to be queueing one or two seconds later I would have never met them and became friends, makes me a bit sad. I'm so happy to have met such nice people who became really good friends. :)

Shivam Pathania

i made a best friend through overwatch :D

Brady Cox

Well, I've made a lot of friends, but everyone is hardly online. Now I'm stuck with paying games with randoms

Chris Fahmy

Also Lori, The Mercy to my Gency. C:

Diamond Hope Zeiger

I met my boyfriend on Overwatch lel

Enrique Sandoval

I have no squad or friends. Can't seem to find any either. Rip.

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