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Why the fuck do people bring low gold players into a diamond match knowing they can't...


Anissa Martinez

Why the fuck do people bring low gold players into a diamond match knowing they can't keep up just because it's within the 1000 Sr range.
The person is in that elo for a reason.

It just throws off the match because the person can't carry their weight and play right.

I personally think blizz should make that smaller maybe 500 to keep things at least alittle fair. Insted of having a diamond and 2 golds in the match.

Aadil Saqib

It depends. Playing with a gold player for me as a diamond is legit free SR cause the enemy team has plats.

Aadil Saqib

I can actually abuse it to get more wins tbh (tho after a few games, the rank shifts to diamond and then we're at a super disadvantage). If I que with a low ranked player, the entire match is at a lower rank making it easier for me. But then, I play Tracer which is a very strong hero. I think if a diamond Mercy queued with a Gold Genji, they'd lose badly.

Christie Hammons

Saw your icon and immediately thought this was Houston's post...was like wahhh. Lol

Austin Dexter

Cause aside from rank people enjoy playing with friends....wouldn't know though all my friends went Mia

Mikey Veyron

I think not all players do mess up. As long as you play what is the most comfortable rather than you play the character that you suck.

Petr Krejčí

There is only one bad thing that can happen with those groups.. if Dia player pick mercy and gold player pick hitscan .. I do not understand why best player pick mercy and his shit/no aim teammate pick hitscan ..

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