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why i highly respect CD Projekt Red, shame on other developers who are greedy enough...

  • Thread starter Romeo P. Barrozo Jr.
  • Start date

Romeo P. Barrozo Jr.

why i highly respect CD Projekt Red, shame on other developers who are greedy enough to put microtransaction in their games that we already have paid for. EA, Bluehole, Ubisoft, Take Two, Activision, Blizzard, Warner Bros..

Gokul Siva


Dakota Estepp

How about no

Brandon Daniels

Blame the consumer too. If as a whole ppl stop buying the microtransaction, than developers would chill but no everyone wants an edge or that nice emote smh.

Martin Kauber

CD Projekt Red whored out Geralt and tainted the canon. I don't like it any better than micro-transactions.

Brandon Ramos

It's not really the developers fault, mainly the publisher and consumer. Though their has been a HUGE battle against microtransations especially with Battlefront 2, the fact is that it won't go away. It is too profitable and easy. I'm guilty of buying into miceotransations. It's predatory and easy to fall into

Romeo P. Barrozo Jr.

in my opinion, any microtransactions should not be in any games that we will pay for especially if it's just 1 mode multiplayer games, for example PUBG required you to pay $30 upfront and had Microtransactions still. fucking greedy cunts. i'm disgusted on them.. however it still should be allowed on free games because that's where they get their profits at, but not too much, or pay to win. in singleplayer games it shouldn't exist at all even cosmetics, anything it should be DLC Story Expansion instead like what Witcher 3 did. Heart Of Stone and Blood & Wine DLCs which is actually better than most games coming out today in my view. i'm not even joking. that is really a shame.

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