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Xbox One Why do ppl think maining is a great idea???? im sick of playing this game tbh i was...


Birdy Charron

Why do ppl think maining is a great idea???? im sick of playing this game tbh i was hoping for an actually competitive game but imo most ppl just wanna pick the heroes they lik instead of tryna come up with a decent win condition based on the map and what the op is rolling with, lik do you really need a genji and widow every game or 4 dps. Like it drives me nuts when i play even with a group and the same and ppl only use the same hero and i try and talk and be like hey we dont need a bastion on attack or hey why do we have a hanzo and widow dont need 2 ppl that far from the group or hey guys we could use a healer or tank and all i get is "Oh imma dps main i dont play support" the thing is every1 wants 2 be big dog and feel like they are single handedly destroying the other team so for now on this is my theory if theres 3+ dps from the get go ill expect the enemy team to die on site theres no excuse at that point and ill hold each dps responsible for every enemy thats alive for more then 2secs either that or ill turn the match into a 7 on 5 and just help the op (trust me meis wall blocking your retreat sux)

Ryan Hanks

So, because you domt understand the game that well at a low ELO and cant perform well enough to win there yourself you get mad and throw noted. Lol youre a meme dude noone cares.

Birdy Charron

LMFAOOOOOOOO actually i understand this game faaaaaaaaar better then most ivv been playing blizzard games 4 yrs i think ik their team structure alil better then you

Ryan Hanks

Doesn't seem like it from your post. Doubtful, that you do or you wouldnt be at an elo where youre having this issue. The fact is if youre a bad player youre going to play with bad players.

Birdy Charron

Its not that the players themselves are bad im just sick of ppl making bad pics and using "maining" as en excuse you fucking moron im taking it as your a dps "main"

Birdy Charron

i bet you even think widow or hanzo are effective on every map lol

Birdy Charron

or that 4dps is a great team comp too

Ryan Hanks

So in the Overwatch community I thinl its a fitting time to say you are mad because youre bad. Comming from darksouls git gud. Lol maining isnt a problem not everyone can flex effectively. If you put someone on tank and they dont play it well itll just make it worse. No actually I play tracer, genji, sombra, widow, rein, winston, zarya, hog, ana, zen. I peaked at 4484. But i didnt get there filling and flexing i started at 2670 and worked to masters in one season. Its not hard youre just makimg excuses for your losses instead of crafting your own playstle and bettering your game.

Ryan Hanks

Widow, is an extremly effective hero youre just not at a skill tier where you play good ones. Hanzo can be effective both are actually better on attack typicaly payload maps. Meta is dive has been for awhile. Genji or tracer should be in almost everyone of your games at this point. Umless its a shield tank map. And they have spam damage.

Birdy Charron

i never once said losing is a problem. and if you cant flex effectively your trashh

Ryan Hanks

Again, dont be upset because you arent good enough.

Birdy Charron

Your a special kind of retard arnt u

Ryan Hanks

You cant flex effectively obviously lol. So your own words describe you huh?

Ryan Hanks

Lol no im just better than you at a game, and understand and follow it more. You just have a superiority complex where your not taking into acount your own flaws and just being toxic. The best advice id give you is stop worrying so much about what other people do just communicate and perfect your game. Youll climb or keep being a salty toxic turd who thinks they understand the game and stay where youre at ❤

Birdy Charron

My point wasnt loosing games fag boi its abt having to work around idiots nd no genji should not be in every match you really are retarded huh lmfao smh stupid console gamers go back to COD your obv trash

Ryan Hanks

Lol console gamers

Ryan Hanks

Reeeeeee hes not effective reeeee lol

Birdy Charron

pls never play an mmo

Addie Reasons

Dude I didn’t understand a damn thing you just said

Ryan Hanks

Please learn meta on overwatch and hero value and usefulness and stop being the typical beta male bitch trying to act alpha lol

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