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VOD Review Request (Spoiler: we didn't win) Guys, I seriously want to improve...

  • Thread starter Tiew Jin Jie Jay
  • Start date

Brandon Marleau

Why is everyone so fuckin rude lol. He's asking for legitimate advice on how to improve his game and comments like "ur trash" and "don't pick hanzo" are not helpful. Also not original. Like lol get some new material.

Lend Jakupi

Practice scatter more , cuz I see you are worse with scatter than with normal shots , so if you practice that you will be able to get more kills

Johnson Zheng

Some general things, you need to be able to reliably hit the people that your Road hooks in. Dont feel bad about weaving in melees when fighting people close up since it adds some guaranteed damage if you miss your arrows. Zoning dragons are great esp when you were taking 2nd point but try and press tab first to see who is spawned so that you dont just waste the dragon zoning no one. Overall you need to know how to lead your shots more, you landed some clutch arrows in the game but you also missed a lot of prediction shots and scatters. Try and get that to be more consistent.
At around 3:30 you shouldnt have dragoned with a DVA in front of you still in mech. If she was paying attention she would have eaten it.
At 5:05 when you heard the Bastion you should have went with the mentality of peeking to see where he was instead of peeking to do damage. Esp since you heard him and heard his shots you knew he was close so you should have only peeked instead of poking out for a good second to line a shot. Only take shots once you know where he is and you can keep peeking from the corner to kill him.
Around 830 I personally like the positioning too you get tons of ult charge if you prefire well, but you should have been more discreet with it by crouching since they immediately knew you were there.
At 11, would not have recommended peeking the widow after she landed the first shot. If anything one thing you should have done was make your peek a lot more crisp and not so telegraphed. What I mean by that is instead of peeking immediately after you get into cover, take a second behind cover to mess up her prediction. Esp since the pillar was so thin, strafing back and forth behind it will make her really have to thin about which side to preaim. But again dont challenge a widow who has landed the first shot.
11:30 why are you chilling on the low ground? I know that widow limits what places you can position at but taking the high ground which she cant see is still possible, esp as Hanzo. Think about how many shots you never had available to you just because of that shitty positioning?
11:50 shouldnt have been challenging the Genji, instead you should have gone to try and set up a last stand for the point where you force them to have to take you out before taking the point. Or you could have just tried to make a run for it so you can set up and position for the second point defence. Think about it, you could have been at point B shooting arrows at then as they were making their way to the point, rather than letting them come in first, THEN firing arrows at them.
12:50 just keep at a distance when fighting a Genji with a teammate. Esp one who is a tank. Let them take the shots, not go closer to take them.
I dont feel like watching the whole video, but hope that helps a bit.

Jacob Brown

Insta locking Hanzo is gonna cause negative emotions from your team, so they won't try as hard and blame it on you probably

Antonio Amaya


Megan Elizabeth Brown


Yacine Odin

U need to get more crits. A lot more

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