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VOD Review Request (Spoiler: we didn't win) Guys, I seriously want to improve...

  • Thread starter Tiew Jin Jie Jay
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Tiew Jin Jie Jay

VOD Review Request
(Spoiler: we didn't win)

Guys, I seriously want to improve myself.

Quality feedback is much appreciated.
(at least watch the video before commenting)

Thank you.

Marios Michaelides

To low for your level man

Evin Armalius

If you want to improve don't 1 trick. A big part of the game is swapping characters in different situations

Tiew Jin Jie Jay

Those are too general.
Don't even need a VOD to say that.
Was hoping for points like such
"at 0:00 you should have done X instead of Y"

Evin Armalius

Get gud then

Alex Vincent

I'm gonna just comment as I watch this, and edit as I notice things.

Nice reflexes on the Sym, she was playing really far away from her team and picking her off so far away from the Mercy probably snowballed into you winning that first objective.

That Sym played horribly.

Lots of people have trouble on second point of assault maps, especially in this meta. I would have suggested that you ask the Roadhog to go Zarya and get an ult combo of some kind for second point attack. Nice work on second point overall though. Your comp sustained much better than the enemies', you hit enough shots to justify staying Hanzo, although if the enemy had any more tanks I would have considered swapping.

Pretty good attack. On a side note, snipers are actually better on attack than defence, because pick-offs are more valuable, although snipers are usually still quite bad on second point assault. We can talk about this later, the point is don't listen to people that immediately hate Hanzo or Widow.

32 eliminations in 3 team fights, I hate this meta.

Bastion ulted and was nowhere to be seen, R.I.P.

Pretty nice ults considering you're not pairing them with grav.

Okay, so both times you lost the point it was 'cause Bastion ulted and was distracted or de-meched. Without communication there's not much you could have done about that. I dunno, maybe you could have gone a dive hero and tried to work with Winston and a bit better. Maybe could have swapped to Roadhog and saved hook for Bastion. Whatever, hindsight's 20/20. If you had any skill on Junkrat I would have swapped to him in that situation, but that's probably about all you could do alone.

Okay, so if you see a Sym on the enemy team and you go through a choke, always let Winston go through first.

Also, if your team isn't fully regrouped and ready to go, don't do poke damage. You're almost never gonna kill anything, and you'll just end up either dying, charging enemy support ults, or both.

Okay, so their Sym didn't do a completely idiotic sneak attack this time, and she closed off the flanking route with Junkrat. This is where Hanzo really starts to look bad. You didn't have a lot of options here. You walk into the left flank and Junkrat and Sym probably kill people if Winston doesn't go in first. You go down the middle or to the right and Bastion and Junk shred through everything before you get anywhere. The best thing your team could have done was swap the Zen to Lucio, and you go like, Genji or Tracer or something. This would be in a perfect world where everyone can play every hero well.

The best thing your team could have done without changing comp is Winston goes in and takes out the Sym turrets while eats Junkrats bombs. Maybe you pick either the Junk or Sym off. Your team would then try to establish control of the high-ground and you just kill things from up there.

One thing you've always got to be looking out for is trickling your respawns. I noticed on overtime attack that pretty much your entire team after losing the first push, just didn't group up, and kept peeking out and getting destroyed by the Bastion and Junkrat. This was a massive waste of time and probably the best thing the defense could have hoped for. The correct play here was to tell everyone through text chat to wait behind a corner until the entire team was alive and ready to push.

Brianna Guerrant

I just want to say: that first dragon was kind of dumb.
I feel like hanzos dragon could be used for clearing out a point wonderfully, but you used it on a... door?
And there were only one or two people dead, too. It wasn’t like there was a team wipe.
Was there a specific reason you did that?

Janis Amorado

Your mechanics and aim are good. I think you only need minor improvements to your positioning and your situational awareness. Like there were instances wherein you should have backed off, for example: 12:50 you were fighting a Genji pocketed by Ana. Unless you could land more headshots to outdamage/kill targets like Genji, it's not wise to fight in a 2v1 like that. At 15:31, I actually feel bad for you because your Mercy made a bad call TWICE ressing you too early and in bad positions that if you had just respawned from the base, you could safely build the few ult charge needed and maybe save the game on defense. I think you made more mistakes during Round 2 of Attack. At 20:07, you should have backed away instead of trying to destroy all the turrets by yourself and waited for you Winston to do that. You also gave Sym easy ult charge because of this. You went out too early at 20:33 which made you an open target and got killed. At 21:09, you positioned yourself badly again because you went within the Junkrat's range many times and you didn't wait for a shield so you died. You blamed the Mercy for not healing you but the Junk could easily outdamage her healing at that range. Don't be too aggressive and just wait for your team to regroup and be ready for the next push so that you don't die and stagger. As for pocketing, it's not Mercy's job to pocket you all the time and even with pocketing, you can still die from too much damage. But you guys lost Round 2 of Attack brcause you had bad synergy, bad positioning as a team (like pushing in a Junkrat choke), the Pharah was (I agree with you) mediocre at best without Mercy pocketing her) even tho she clearly counters 2 people on the enemy team, and you guys lacked shields (partly tanks fault for not pushing properly too).

Alexandre Gomez

Lvl 1400 gold LOL. You like this game when this game don't like you

Parker Atkins

You’re aiming too high at a short distance too reliant on scatter.

Parker Atkins

Use your sight arrow to set up your dragon for more likely kills

Parker Atkins

You’re fighting too close to the enemy need to practice medium range and medium short range and of course long range hanzo. Take your time with bots amp whatever works for you to fine tune your aim. You had some decent head shots but you can be better

Parker Atkins

You aren’t taking advantage of high ground when you have easy access with wall climbs you’re a lot safer in a harder to reach area.

Akshay Sharma

Spoiler alert, Gold weapon, gold border, gold rank, gold stars, HOLY SHIT THIS IS 2GOLD5ME

Sjors Heijstek

ur trash, golden border still gold

Cal Nabokov

Some random things I noticed, if you want to climb try to improve these things;

Take high ground more often
Press tab more often
Take note of who's killing who, if you have a Winston/, don't try to outsnipe Widow long range, especially if you're on D
Some things like you're really aggressive, it often works, but it won't work once you climb, you'll be a free kill
Wasting Ults very often, once you get to around master the game is mostly ult trading, so understand that before
Sonic arrow isn't just for you, it's for your team - sometimes think about where they need it, not just where you want it.
Since you aren't in voice, paying attention to the kill cam, and pressing tab to check comp, is really important, because i feel like a lot of the time you don't know what's going on, you just want to shoot things

Jakub Hojda

Want to improve? Ever tried something called "aiming"?

Kieraleigh Ward

Gold border in gold omegalul

Jacque Read

One thing that EVERYONE needs to learn is to communicate with your team, I always join the team chat in comp, even if at the start it just turns to banter, it helps to know what kind of player your team may be just from that.

When I play with just 2 or even 1 friend, my win rate noticeably increases from communication, formation of tactics and character combos.

Rohan Majumder

U did good but ur tanks were noob so bad luck

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