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This mining craze has me thinking, PC Gaming is constantly growing, with more people...


Daniel Jamal

This mining craze has me thinking, PC Gaming is constantly growing, with more people buying hardware the prices would go up to reflect that, I hope this shit doesn't get too out of hand, cause I like playing on PC.

John Raybell

Maybe this will force AMD and NVIDIA to produce more, which would drop prices, if they produce enough, we may see all time low prices in GPUs.

Orrrrr nothing will be affordable anymore lol

Torri Weis

Given the current price of gpus, I’d say this shit has already gotten out of hand.

Daemon Hall

It isn't just mining, the price of the memory jumped up because Samsung has been having issues with the viability of gddr and ddr chips. They are the majority provider of the memory chips so their production values cause the price to fluctuate like it does. Don't blame mining for everything. It's also why ram has quadrupled in price over the last two years.

Robert Mendola

I think at some point the market is going to equalize and prices will be better. As higher sales numbers come in they would logically increase production, unless they really think the demand is short lived. They want to make as much money as they can.

Henry Qian

Honestly, at this point I think we just have to wait it out until the market either equalizes, or cryptocurrencies experience a huge drop in profits.

ブリュンデン ヴィンセント

Stop complaining. Just be a man about it and buy the GPU at the price it is selling for. It's not a big deal.

Christopher Sullivan

Prices are allready out of hand and prolly wont be changing any time soon. Unless CryptoCurrency dies which I dont see happing any time soon. Or Nvidia/Amd can vastly ramp up production and even if they do who's to say miners simply wouldnt buy even more since prices would drop. They could buy more pushing production back to the limit and we end up right back where we are.

Tony Grandoff

More used cards on the market possibly.

Bennett W. David

The GPU depression may just improve the Nvidia Geforce Now streaming service. I think they have an open beta right now.

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