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This isnt new news but kind of a follow up. Looks like PC and PS4 players wont be...


Danny Delmatto

Bit coin mining is out. Not worth it anymore for the individual. How you make the big time money is doing a ton of research and getting in and mine one of these upstart coins and make a bet the their prices go up and you get rich or to the moon as they say it. Bitcoin is not the final solution. Not sure ETH is as well. It's fun and a good thing todo as a hobby. If your interested nows not a good time with how the gpu market is right now. There are other ways to make money from this craze right now. I've made about 600 bucks buying a few 480s on my local Craig's list and selling them in eBay and making anywhere from 100-150 per card

Danny Delmatto

Hell you can goto Home Depot buy like 5 dollars worth of materials and make like 6 gpu frames and sell them on eBay for like 50 bucks.

Jacob Homer Barrett

I mean Microsoft refused when Sony tried years ago. So why demonize Sony for it now, But not Microsoft for back then.

Jed Butters

Aaron Darbyshire Tom White Ps is gay brothers sorry to say haha ( not sorry)

Adam Loveless

first it was the children , now this ? Sony is only spinning there own web of excuses the way I see this going .

Shiranuj Shiraj Amaterasu

Not to mention Sony already allowed cross play before on a MMORPG. ps2/ select ps3/360/pc. Its been done already. It was controlled by a separate service of everyone logging into playonline.

Mind you I had many moments of PERSONALLY attacking players verbally on an alt account on 360 and ps3 and ps2. Someone on a ps3 reported me while I was on xbox. This someone was a friend and xbox couldnt do anything. It happened IN GAME and had to be taken care of with Play online.

I read an article earlier about it. Technically speaking..If someone was harassing one person from a different console. IT COULD cause issues are solving said harassment.

Also, When SE wanted to do FFXIV cross play with xbox. xbox said no because they wanted exclusive xbox server so said players couldnt play together anyway.

I mean I see everything going full circle here.

As someone who owns both consoles though. I would DREAD playing with people on xbox. I only play xbox with friends. Everyone else is just so damn toxic compared to PC and sony.

Having people scream into my mic about how they make my mother gargle that shit over and over and over is an almost everyday occurrence on xbox.

at the end of the day though... idc PC players would destroy consoles players. I have everything. PC player will always have the utmost advantage in tech if both were equally skilled.

Chance Bright

War Thunder is cross platform with Ps4

Karl Cristobal

Actually PC and PS4 crossplatform has already happened. The problem is with PS4 and Xbox One crossplatform, that will never happen unless Sony lets it.

Lucas Williams

Judging by what happened with mods, they're probably going to make a half-assed concession in a couple of months' time.

Chris D Kelly

Oh yes so hostile....

Dean Hood

Tim Sipes Tarl M. Caron

Seiken Gwendaal Windstep Koibito

Didn't Sony ask for that before and Microsoft rejected ?

Seiken Gwendaal Windstep Koibito

And honestly Minecraft isn't the best thing out there just look at how much time they took to reach Nintendo consoles.

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