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So saw a post about higher the level at which you can start playing comp which I think...


Connor Glasby

So saw a post about higher the level at which you can start playing comp which I think is stupid. Why pay for a game that locks gameplay content until you reach a certain level?

IMO level 25 is enough to gain a knowledge over maps and team comps. Time does not equal skill. A player who's just started up the game can play just as effectively as those who play it religiously. If a level 1 playing comp ranks higher than bronze or silver then does that not tell you that they are effective? And if a casual ranks bronze then does it really ruin the experience for more serious players? I'm sure a more serious player will rank higher than bronze or silver so there really is no debate that it would not ruin the game for those who play seriously. This is where matchmaking comes in. You are only matched with those of similar skill so would it really ruin the experience for players?

No it wouldn't. If people actually knew how the game worked then this would not be an issue but a large majority do not. Do people even know what SR means?


I'm also sorry to all those who play seriously and are stuck with the nose bleeds but you only have yourself to blame. Don't blame other because of your incompetence. Let them play the game how they want to play, it's not like those people are going to be ranked anything higher than diamond anyway.

Fahmy Magdy

" let them play the game how they want to play " i smell bait

Mathieu Berger-Latour

This may be bait but he ain't wrong

Yeti Jones

All games lock content away. This is bad and you should feel bad.

Alaa Yassine

Not true you might have the mechanical skills but sure as hell at level 25 you have no game knowledge.. i rushed lvl 25 and hoped into ranked placed gold only to drop into bronze because i had no understanding of game sense also didn't know the maps very well, climbed back up to plat (dropped to gold yesterday sad reacts only) but yeah i was lacking game knowledge.

David Goulet

There is no reason EVER not to play comp as soon as you hit 25 if your goal is to get better and get the highest rank.

Lyndsey Perdue


Dhanj Narasimhan

Quick play can only take you so far, comp is far better for learning

Miguel Catalyst Hetty III

25 is there so that people are at least somewhat vested in that account and prevents people just making an account and going into comp. Less trolls

Meesta Buttaz

and people wonder why they are in bronze. you can reach level twenty five in 2 hrs tops. does anyone really believe they'll have a full understanding of the game in 2 hrs? get real man. All the counter play, and deep strategizing takes a while to fully understand.

Stephanie Rosado

Some woman said that she has 200 hrs played in the game and till doesn't know the maps.

Sam Wilkinson

You say it's enough time, 5 minutes is enough time, all you have to do is check YouTube. Clearly some people have no intention or interest in learning a game sense otherwise there would not be a problem.

Petar Mitic

Because someone would just fuck up your placements with their "amazing" 25 level experience on hanzo.

Timothy Fletcher Baer

I stopped reading after your second sentence.

Desmond Buquing

Inexperience. Level 25 isn’t enough. Level 100 isn’t enough. Honestly should have a challenge system that teaches game mechanics before letting people into ranked.

Will Gaines

Do you know how many games have locked content until you reach a certain level? A TON. If they raise the level of comp then they raise it. Get over it.

Calum Stewart

My opinion is that matchmaking is bad.
My proof of this is that on my first account I never knew about rating decay or some defining factors and I would simply do placement matches and then quickplay, I got on my first account 2.1k season 1 after 10 games, 1.9 season 2 10 games and 1.6 in season 3 (about 28 games)

My first account I did that on had about 30hours of play time in total and 0 hour lucio despite me getting 2.1, then when trying to push from 1.6+ as a lucio only main with over 130 hours on that one char I got stuck in bronze.

My second account I made and I rank 2.7 as lucio only and am playing with plats and diamonds in quickplay, I am fairly often told Im a good lucio by plats, diamonds etc where as in bronze Im told the opposite and am blamed for not healing when I'm ferrying people and no one chooses second healer, whilst going in 1v6 everytime.


obviously if you get matched up with level 25s that ruin your games you’re not doing as good as you think you are

level 25 is reasonable for most because others also lack map knowledge

Andrew Stiles

Games lock gameplay content until certain literally every game ever.

Alex Wightman

so you’re saying games like WoW should have raids available from the get go? They introduce locked content for people to grind for and loook forward to.

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