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Switch So LA Noire is awesome. Can’t believe I passed on this game for a decade or so


Shawn Adrian

So LA Noire is awesome. Can’t believe I passed on this game for a decade or so

Aung Thu Hein

Just finished it 2 days ago.

Gregg Cerenzio

Really? I turned down a PS version for $5 at Goodwill last week. Now I want to try it.... preferably on Switch, of course

Roddy Martin

Ok game

Sean Bartel

The case solving, story, and interrogations are fantastic. The action sequences and gunfight scenes are fun and good enough. The only bad part, and it's the game showing it's age, is the very large open world with nothing to do but drive from A to B. LA is HUGE and the destinations can be spread out. I probably spent 3 to 4 total hours of gametime just driving to the next place. Good game.

Sean Renaud

Not gonna lie, I wish my partners weren't all bigoted idiots. There were plenty of cases where I was shouting at the tv "This guy is innocent go wait in the car. . .goddamnit he's running, now I'm in a fight and we could have avoided all of this if you'd just stayed in the car, I bring you along because I'm too lazy to drive! Like every friend I've ever had in GTA only now you get to drive!

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