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So I'm slowly making the switch from xbone to PC. Any tips for PC that I should know?...


Alicia Bee

So I'm slowly making the switch from xbone to PC. Any tips for PC that I should know? I stll plan on playing mostly supports (I switch between Mercy, Moira, Zen and Lucio depending on the map and how I feel)

Ðe Mäçcìńï

In the same spot.
I shall watch this thread

Nathan Borg

Provably play on low settings. You want as many fps as possible playing at your native resolution. Obviously if you have a powerful computer that can generate enough dps at higher settings then go for it.

Obviously one of the biggest differences between PC and console is the input. A decent t mouse and keyboard is important, obviously it's preference but a mechanical keyboard is generally best, and you want one that will last. A good mouse is pretty important, you want a mouse that can have a polling rate (number of times per second the mouse checks its position) of 500hz. This combined with higher fps should reduce the input lag you experience. Another preference is to have programmable side buttons on the mouse, so you can map abilities to them, if you find some of the other keys more awkward. For example, I have abilities such as swift strike and melee on thumb buttons (this is purely preference).

Another thing is to find a sensitivity you are comfortable with as well as a style of gripping the mouse and aiming. Sensitivities pros use is a good place to start but don't copy them, experiment and adjust until you yourself are comfortable. You should be able to turn a bit over 180° so you can react. REMEMBER, sensitivity is both in-game and the mouse dpi so you don't want both to be too high or too low.
In terms of aim style, that should depend on your sensitivity as to whether you use your arm to aim or your wrist/fingers. A lower sens would be arm aiming and higher would be wrist. (When finding a sensitivity keep in mind that swapping from arm to wrist style will cause a longer adjustment than if you keep with one style whilst changing sensitivity).
Maintaining a comfortable and consistent grip on the mouse is important as this can affect your aim if you keep changing that. Also keep your posture, and relative position to the monitor, keyboard and mouse. This is super important as small changes can mess with your muscle memory etc.

iO Stux has started a series based on aim etc which is worth watching.

I don't think there's really any game sense tips that are different from console, just respect people's aim more I guess.

Nathan Borg

Sorry for the essay. I made the move myself about a year ago so these are just things I picked up

Ryan Marcus

Gaming in general is better ok PC. I made the switch a year ago. Be prepared to be frustrated with how bad you are so much so that you want to plug in your controller and use it. But definitely worth it. You’ll be able to tell the game is made for PC

Nguyễn Phan Tử Long

Welcome to the PC train! What are you running OW if you don’t mind telling everyone? Specs are really important for having the best visuals and performance on your gameplay. Having 120/144 FPS makes things easier to aim on the screen if you’re playing dps.

David Taylor

Holy shit, did someone actually follow through with buying a PC? lol. I swear I remember reading that name when someone was asking about laptops or PC's. lol. You already have the basics and game knowledge, just get used to the controls and feel free to remap any keys that don't feel natural to you

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