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so I'm selling my 1080 strix and R9 290, and if I get near the asking prices I should...


Mark Z Ciarleglio

so I'm selling my 1080 strix and R9 290, and if I get near the asking prices I should have around $1100. should I buy the 1080ti, spend a bit more and grab a Jedi Xp for 1500? Or ::sigh:: just struggle through using a 1050ti for a while, till prices drop (or volta)? I figure if I spend 400 more on the Jedi Xp, I'm still getting it for less than msrp all told.

Mark Z Ciarleglio

to put in context, my current monitor is 1440p and 144hz, would like to max that if possible. Will a 1080ti be able to hit that?

Drew Torres

Yes. My monitor is 1440 and 144hz and my 1080ti caps everything.

Matt Jensen

Where would you get a Jedi xp???

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