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So, I'm a tank main. I enjoy D.Va/Winston/Orisa/Roadhog quite a lot. However, when i...


Johann Caballero

So, I'm a tank main. I enjoy D.Va/Winston/Orisa/Roadhog quite a lot. However, when i play these champs (with the exception of arguably Roadhog) Reapers shit on me. Does anyone have any tips for dealing with Reapers? I'm interested in knowing how the various tank or even DPS mains approach the situation if they see a Reaper rolling up on em. I heard Zarya is a decent counter so I've been practicing but I still get shafted.

Edit: Reaper mains, what heroes or strategies do you find most annoying when you're playing?

Lin Galini

following. i also want to see how different tactis works with him...

Miia Hatunen

I main dva and reaper is on my ass too.
All i do is try to avoid my counters as well as i can. Reaper, Zarya, mei and so on. I shoot them from a distance OR go after them when they're low on health. Most of the time there's at least one Reapercounter in the team (Mcree, Genji, Pharah, Zarya) so ask them politely to deal with Reaper so you can do your job in peace.

Mario Blanco

Watch out when he teleports. He'll appear behind you and he gets rekt easily cause the teleportation needs set up time.

Ben Suskic

If you see reaper as winston just jump away lol. Reaper has no range really just keep an out for him and keep your distance

Ian Christian

I main Dva and what I do is DM them in the face and force them to reload, when they reload just unload your burst until he uses his ghost ability thing(forgot the name lmfao) or till he dies, rinse repeat

But the best way to deal with him is to never 1v1 him, avoid him or 2v1 him usually and hes fucked

Jessica Aldrich

Rein wrecks Reaper if he's close enough to really hurt you, he's close enough to hit with a hammer them boom he's dead :D

Mackenzie Rae

I tell my team to legit help me take him out, I make sure to keep distance when fighting him, I play a lot of Zarya and imo even Zarya isn’t a good counter to Reaper, (maybe I’m just that good at Zarya which is probably true) her bubble lasts only a few seconds and unless your seriously high energy it won’t work out imo and when that bubble runs out you can be a easy kill if your not at least 80-100 energy, just a easy kill, I legit say, everyone help me kill this Reaper. It’s never a good idea as a tank to 1v1 reaper unless he’s low health.

John Huk


Theo Martin

Guest is the best website ever!

Ikce Toutcourt

I'am not affraid of reaper as Dva.. matrix, fly away...

Sirasage Sedohr

I’m a D.Va main and honestly I just time my dives on Reaper. He just use his wraith form? Fly at that bitch and use your rockets while shooting at him. If he’s not dead by the time you’re done charging him he’ll probably get one shot on you before he is. That’s really my only way though. If I don’t play smart with Reaper I get melted.

Mihnea Gogu

Play hog, he’s pretty east to hook because he has no mobility. If you miss your hook youre pretty much dead

Chris Smethurst

If your playing orisa
Your team should be around to help. With winston and dva just don’t dive to far on your own or just bail if you feel you’re gonna lose the fight.

Robert Holmes

Orisa is probs best tank to deal with reaper or zarya. A high charged zarya out damages reaper on a 1 vs one from a few metres away. He has his evasion you have a bubble. Also qith orisa you can walk in and out of shiekd and you have halt to pull him behind it. Aim for headshots and use immobilize when he breaks that shield walkthrough and you dont have backups

Aaron Icardi

I'm a tank main. And honestly when the other team have a Reaper I play passive rather than aggressive. React to their positioning mistakes rather than initiating the dive/fight yourself.

Alexis Snow

Diamond dva main, reaper???
A gnat, like tracer, not that hard to kill.
Bullets, rockets, boost at him, smack him: he's dead.

Ray Liptay

Dva is a great counter for Reaper and more specifically his Ult. Specifically as Dva you can counter Reapers shots and shield matrix through them. He has 8 shots and they are so loud it's an easy audio cue. So during his shots he's gonna focus on DPS shield matrix and use your rockets. As soon as he's out of shots or reloads drop matrix start firing regular bullets. Rinse and repeat. Also don't forget the coveted boost/melee/headshot combo. He's also got a larger hit box for a flanker* so this should make it even easier to wipe him up. Reaper shouldn't be a problem if you work on those things.

Winston I mean shield play is all you have. Reaper is a hard counter unless you are great at shield play. Don't see many winstons capable of this (and I dont expect them to be).

Roadhog, I'm sure you know right click, pull, left click, melee. He's dead instantly. Also, nice counter for his Ult.

Overall he gets 8 shots, he's super loud in his metal boots, and his bullets/shots are easy to count. Use the audio cue's and wipe the floor with his non-meta face.

Fisher Tiger

Hi there, been playing Winston since Season 1 and have been in top 1000 Winston's since the game came out!

When playing against reaper you need an entirely different game sense. Similar to how you have to fight Genji, your entire playstyle now revolves around that Reaper. You will only be engaging a Reaper with another dps following you and need to master bubble strafing.

With a Reaper in play, two play styles develop. If the Reaper is overperforming and destroying the front lines, you need your teammates to focus fire him to force wraith. Once wraith has been popped, you can try leap melee to kill if he's low enough (Typically speaking, he will only wraith when hes low, meaning around 100ish health. If he does it any lower, just follow for kill similar to how Zarya charged is. Force her low health and when she pops bubble just focus her down) You must be perfect with your leap melee as your bubble must go down so that if he tries to shoot you he will shoot the bubble first.

If the Reaper is playing around you, meaning he's solely targetting you, you need to abuse his slow mobility and dive their backlines/straight up in the air depending on the fights. Diving the air is great as he has good damage drop off, it gives your mercy an escape, it puts the Reaper in an uncomfortable position of waiting for you to drop down and should be getting focused by your dps. Bubble strafing is hard to do but helps you live a hell of a lot longer in fights. You want this Reaper to solely target you. It's better for your team as he has long cooldowns and crappy mobility. Once wraith is popped, always try to follow and force the kill if it's safe.

I kinda feel this wasn't as accurate but I'll try to explain better through the eyes of genji vs winston. In that matchup, if the winston dives the genjis team, the genji must then dive that winstons team as hes hard to kill and should be winning most of his 1 vs 1s. If the genji is spacing properly and saving his dash for when the winston dives him, the fight is reset. If the genji keeps playing frontlines against you, you should have no problem forcing his dash , then leaping to punish. If the genji is flanking properly while you are diving, you need to start staying back more and saving your leap for when he tries to dash and escape.

Andy Williams

I also main a good amount of hero’s but I started in the tanks. Roadhog is my answer to reaper. However, you need to get good at alt fire. Or right click on mouse. Reaper needs to be at least 3/4 health or near it. You hook than step back as the hook animation is going and step forward as he gets as close as possible and fire primary at his face. Then melee.

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