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PC So i switched from ps4 to pc like a month ago and im still not getting used to the...


Ashley Xiao

So i switched from ps4 to pc like a month ago and im still not getting used to the wasd format. And its getting kinda boring now that i play like a bronze player. (Was high plat on ps4) does anyone have tips or anything

Alec de Vries

was in the same boat for ages. Just practice, try playing different games with more complicated and demanding kb/m

Steven Rosario

Just keep grinding. You’ll get used to it. No point in goin back now. On the bright side, you can only go up from here.

Kevin Bellinger

Do you have cursor acceleration disabled?

Steven Rosario

And stay out of comp. stick to QP and Arcade until you feel more comfortable

Logan Lewis

Like people said before me, Keep practicing. I was on ps4 too and had a rough time getting used to pc. But you'll get the hang of it eventually

Daniel Rumble

Get PUBG. You’ll be forced to learn K&M very fast. I had it down pat after like a day or 2 of hardcore PUBG

Zack Hockaday

Go to the practice range, turn the dpi on your mouse up and turn the sensitivity in game down until you feel comfortable. As for wasd it just takes time

Andrew James

I did the same. Now I cant use a a controller.

Michael Wireman

Practice helps of course, but it's how you practice that matters. For aiming there are two things I do that I know work; Custom game, you VS a team of 6 HARD A.I. Ana heroes. Put headshots only on and switch the game mode to SKIRMISH. Your footwork (w,s,a,d) should also improve with time in this mode.

For movement? I am a Lucio main so I move all kinds of crazy. For me to get better I used Lucio in the TRAINING GROUNDS lvl and set my jump to my mouse side buttons and just practice going all over without hitting the ground. Same could be done on any lvl alone. W,S,A,D, movement is key for Lucio to wallride in every direction without actually having to be looking where you are going.

David Taylor

It gets easier. I had to learn WASD + Mouse with the Quake series. lol. It gets much, much easier.

Kent Kingston

You can switch up your key bindings that’s what I did I don’t use WASD I USE WQEA To move or just practice

Andrew James

You won't look back once you get the hang of it.

Parker Atkins

Find another cool shooter game or Wasd controlled game play that a lot till your gear and pc playing feels more natural make sure you’re comfortable and as ergonomic as you can be. Then come back to overwatch and dominate with past game knowledges and precise control

Bence Kalanovics

What are your pick preferences? It really comes down to that in the first place because it will lay down the path along which you will need to improve. Playstyle, awareness and game sense included, although that is required on a basic level with any character. Still, based on what you pick, you will need to adjust and improve your playstyle. like David said, Quake is a good pick for mouse+keyboard combination, for aim practice, I personally prefer CS:GO custom aim practice maps.

Ashley Xiao

I mained Mercy/Sombra on ps4 im getting the hang of widow, its just weird to do wasd format, does anyone wanna share their settings? Maybe for specific hero of your choice?

Dan Hill

DO NOT GO INTO OW COMP UNTIL you are lvl 200. At least. Otherwise its going to be One long and tilting adventure trying to climb.

Dan Hill

Maximize your FPS, alot of GMs use similar cross hairs. 2 center gap 7-11 cross hair length. Blue or green. Default key bindings is pretty common. Zuzu (repeatedly crouching coming around corners) shooting is ideal vs Hitscans. Never stay still. Learn to melee at the right time. Play Soldier, tracer. simple hero's where positioning and tracking is all you need to worry about. Play with your sensitivities, make very slight adjustments and get used to them.

Reuben Harry Manyo

Just keep playing honestly im 200 hours in anf im finally back to high plat On my way! To diamond so just keep playing

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