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Switch So far, in this group, I've seen three actual indie game developers making games for...


Ryne Santos

So far, in this group, I've seen three actual indie game developers making games for Switch. That's freaking awesome they're part of the group. Now if people want to go be holier than thou and say their game is trash or costs 50¢ to make because they know so much more than them, they can disrespect them straight to their face. I wonder how many more in this group are game makers. I'll do whatever it takes to help support them all.

Chad Laparra

I feel like you're saying this as if you think it would be a deterrent to trash talking their game. I would think they are part of the group for just the opposite reason; to welcome the criticism and listen to the players directly and take that into account as they work on their projects. I don't believe in supporting any old game that comes out just because it's for the switch and you want to support the developers. A shit game is a shit game still, and I'll happily tell it right to their face if that's what I think. If you worked in a company that only employed 10 people at the moment but hired 30 new people with rape charges on their criminal records, would you be happy because you need the manpower? Quality over quantity any day of the week. I too am happy they are here to listen to their potential customers, but for different reasons I guess lol.

Ryan Borrelli

I wish i was on a game developing team

Ryan Tucker

I make games but not on the switch haha

Matt Krajick

I had a project going for 5 months. Open world RPG for the switch. Unfortunately my computer died ALONG with my backup drive. Just got a brand new computer though and hope to be on my way to making another Switch game

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