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One of the big reasons I left my first husband. Addicted to Overwatch. Demoted at...


Peter Gomez

One of the big reasons I left my first husband. Addicted to Overwatch. Demoted at work over his gaming, from staying up late playing, and being late all the time. Couldn't take him anywhere, all he could think about was games. Went canoeing in one of my favorite spots, had to share it with him. He wanted to know, the whole damn time, if we would make it back for the release of a new overwatch patch.

Zacc Martin

Play hard go pro

Walter Greenwood

One of the big reasons I left my first husband. Addicted to Overwatch. Demoted at work over his gaming, from staying up late playing, and being late all the time. Couldn't take him anywhere, all he could think about was games. Went canoeing in one of my favorite spots, had to share it with him. He wanted to know, the whole damn time, if we would make it back for the release of a new overwatch patch.

Nathan Martin

One of the big reasons I left my first husband. Addicted to Overwatch. Demoted at work over his gaming, from staying up late playing, and being late all the time. Couldn't take him anywhere, all he could think about was games. Went canoeing in one of my favorite spots, had to share it with him. He wanted to know, the whole damn time, if we would make it back for the release of a new overwatch patch.

Alaa Yassine

He's peobably in top 500 after she left him

Diego Gonzalez Lerma

One of the big reasons I left my first husband. Addicted to Overwatch. Demoted at work over his gaming, from staying up late playing, and being late all the time. Couldn't take him anywhere, all he could think about was games. Went canoeing in one of my favorite spots, had to share it with him. He wanted to know, the whole damn time, if we would make it back for the release of a new overwatch patch.

Adrian Avelar

One of the big reasons I left my first husband. Addicted to Overwatch. Demoted at work over his gaming, from staying up late playing, and being late all the time. Couldn't take him anywhere, all he could think about was games. Went canoeing in one of my favorite spots, had to share it with him. He wanted to know, the whole damn time, if we would make it back for the release of a new overwatch patch.

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