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Okay, debate time. I'm starting to think that solo-queue Comp in low/mid elos is...


Alexander Hull

Okay, debate time.

I'm starting to think that solo-queue Comp in low/mid elos is actually more about luck than skill.

Last season I started at 2200, then climbed to 2550. This season I dropped like a rock to 2340, even though I actually feel like I'm playing better now than when I was in plat.

I feel like there are so many pot-luck factors in solo-queue that make actual skill redundent.
Are your teamates in team chat?
Do your teammates pick attack Torb and refuse to switch?
Do you have a godlike grandmaster smurf on your team?
Do you just have a crap teammate?
Did you have a leaver?
Did you have a thrower?
Did your internet randomly die?
Are your teammates trickling in one-by-one and refusing to group up?

All of these factors imo means that sr gain/loss in bronze/plat is actually more about luck than skill.

Also, before anyone comments "haha gold player blames his teammates for his rank" I know that there are things I could improve about myself too, but the fact that I'm playing better and losing sr is kinda bizarre to me. I might have to stop solo-queueing to gain sr again

Brandon Bonnell

I think luck is a factor to a certain extent. If you have a good additude, game sense, and communication you can influence your team to a certain point. You'll get the torb one tricks every now and then and dumb shit like that but as the one common factor in all our games you have to work around all that to the best of your ability. I have a smurf I put in gold and every now and then I'll blow through gold just to see if one person can bring the whole team to win. There's definitely a luck factor, but if you're better than the rank you're at you will climb. Just keep a positive mindset throughout games and have good communication

Yuexiang Dai

I heard aim accurate can get you to at least diamond~, might a little extra position.

Oscar Manzano

Honest question, what makes you certain you’re playing better?

Will Narramore

Don't diss attack Torb, attack Torb is the shit. But brother I hear you, I think a lot of it is to do with how much you play. If you play a shit ton it's more likely to average out to be more accurate.

Tuan Nguyen

It is, but you can scale that luck depending on how good you are at the game.

Mike Finch

To a certain degree, yeah.
Climbing out of Gold is a nightmare. I normally tank carry with D.VA/Zarya or heal carry as Moira.
Not always a guaranteed win though because sometimes you just go on streaks or you legit just get teamed with people that don't know what they're doing

Shay Corry

It drives me nuts that people don’t understand this. Lower elo, especially bronze, is filled with shit players and kids. The chance of you getting placed on a well functioning team to climb legit is like a lottery. I was placed in silver then had a round of shit games and fell to bronze. I’ve been trying to get out ever since. Every once in awhile I’ll find a group that works well together and we’ll ride up like 6+ back to back wins. Then I’ll go on the next day solo queue and it’s just straight down again. That’s why it’s so damn hard to climb out as solo unless you literally can carry your entire team which many people can’t do.

Yvanne Marcellana

im a solo q player. i prefer using moira for massive healing to my teams unless they're all scattered everywhere. otherwise, we win most of the games.

Daniel Marsh

I’ve played almost everyday for multiple hours since I got the game and have/ still enjoy it but comp is a joke atm.

honestly I’ve only touched comp maybe twice in the last 3 weeks and I still play everyday, just qp and deathmatch cause at least then I can have fun.

Pond Pongwat Hatthapronprakhun

Even if you queued in party, there are such things like "an encounter with smurf party" or "an encounter with grand master party even tho your party has a fucking 2000 average sr" and so on. xD

Mathieu Berger-Latour

If you have to skills to climb out, you’d be out already. Gold is an extremely low elo and If you can’t get out of gold playing solo, it’s because you belong in there and there’s something you need to improve.
The “Luck” factor does come in when it comes to not getting throwers. But that is in literally no way whats holding you back from

Mike Wang

Your argument/logic is flawed in one sense: Your enemy team suffers every bit as much as you do. Every single question you asked can be flipped on its head if you replace "your teammate" with "enemy teammate", effectively canceling each other out and leaving your skill level the biggest factor that determines your SR.

Trey Harris

I've been gold since launch. This season I've brought all 3 of my accounts into plat. If you can cram enough games and are good enough you simply will climb.

Diamond Hope Zeiger

It’s 100% skill.
Sure you’ll get bad teams
But if you’re good.
You’ll climb to where you belong.

I’ve climbed to master on 3 accounts, one as low as below 500.

Samin Hossain

what this is sucha bad claim... carrying in lower elos is SOOO much easier than carrying in higher elos, solo queue or not if you deserved the rank you truly do, you will be able to carry, i was in gold for literally 2 days and solo queued out of gold in those 2 days

Rudi Indra A

simple solution to escape gold elo is simply carry the game yourself.
The thing about gold player is that they're so dependant on others to carry the game for them. So basically people just resign their fate to luck and blame it on their luck alone.

Oliver Bach

The wise words of ma man Brandon "Seagull": if your good enough you will climb." It doesnt matter about your rank right now its about how is your rank lets say maybe each month did you climb overall we all go down pits sometimes like thats how a ranking system works.

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