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Mercy onetricks have started deranking in Grandmaster games. I'm not saying picking...

  • Thread starter Katherine Kuroneko
  • Start date

Katherine Kuroneko

Mercy onetricks have started deranking in Grandmaster games.
I'm not saying picking Mercy isn't viable, but it's become that Mercy just isn't good anymore and those that don't know how to play anything else are dropping SR and unfortunately, are bringing some people down with them.
Apart from being flamed by their team now, some Mercy players just gave up and started rage quitting midgames

I'm not gonna bash Mercy mains and call them trash, but I will bash on Mercy onetricks who don't know how to play any other heroes. We need to face facts. Mercy isn't as powerful as she once were. There are maps and situations where Mercy will excel, but not every single one

Ellie Anderson

It’s more people are harassing once they see a mercy pick. You do realize you can pick any healer now and still win? Some maps a certain healer would be better but still not needed to win.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Don't wanna sound like a Mercy hater, but most of my games recently were lost because we had a Mercy
I wonder what her winrate looks like, because from my most recent games, it ain't looking good

Igor Jędrys

Good Good Let all otp mercy derank to their Real rank

Joe F. Spiro

Good riddance.

There are great mercy players, her old kit made it impossible for them to stand out.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Kinda funny seeing you write a post defending Mercy when you literally have 2 accounts called "I hate Mercy" lmao

Enrique Sandoval

She can be good in some maps but honestly. Only pick her if there's one on the other team. Just to match the rez

Nathie Ri

She isnt OP anymore but she is still the most reliable healer in the game. Lets face it, Ana is just as shit as she was before the mercy nerfs, Its HER blizzard need to work on. Mercy is the exactly same except during valk where she can barely ress but her ult is still rly usefull to engage like a moira ult but in better. She can dive with the tanks and make them even more deadly. I have seem some ppl not picking her anymore just cuz they think that nerf killed her but the truth is that it made Mercy compete abit more with the other supports instead of making them shit picks. I think her nerfs are live for almost a week now and ive been checking her pickrate and other supports aswell. Ana needs help..

Sofia Lindblom

I climbed 300 SR in 2 nights after switching off Mercy. The bitch was holding me back. Now no one can force me to play her anymore. I've had so much fun the last few days.

Chris Takanashi

Mercy is still an amazing healer... Maybe people just aren't getting free rides as good mercy's anymore. You have to really try as Mercy now. Watch them switch to another healer or anything and they'll drop to bronze

Ken Higgins

I loved mercy, but I have switched to moira and have noticed an increase in my ability to be more than just a mobile health pack. It will become apparent just what implications this nerf has in future but teams relying on unsafe strats and expecting a rez when they do something boneheaded need to adapt now. Rezes only for mvp players now or in a pinch during final fights for tanks. I Main roadhog but your healers are integral to the game. All the fps still call for mercy at the start of games but piss and moan when they can't get rezed, mostly suicidal genjis.the nerf was too harsh though probably necessary to cut down the rez to only one.

Chris Takanashi

Now to decrease the damage moira does and her range and we'll have pretty balanced healers.

Jeroen Berghmans

They're just disgusting for the people who can still play with her.

Alex Tushingham

I now flat out refuse to team up with one tricks

ゼシジャー アーマンド

people who one tricks deserve this 100%

Saimy Désirée Bängs

I have a 59% winrate even after mercy nerf, I believe its not lost because you have a mercy, but the fact that you as a team couldn't perform

Annelie Wentzel

Good thing I stopped being a Mercy main when Moira released

Jorge Sepúlveda


Jean Yasir

mercy one tricks are exactly like other one tricks, trash! The only difference is that during mercy's era, they could always pick her, and it would work in the team comp.

Antonio Neto

Let em drop

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