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MAIN HEALERS PLS EXPLAIN ME SOMETHING Almost every main healer here, says "I play...


Hunter Winchel

I actually started maining Mercy, because none of my teammates would play the healer. I do play other characters, but unless someone else picks her, my go-to is Mercy.

Ryan Lewis

I'm pretty much a freelancer in Overwatch I played as most characters in that game and I'm pretty decent as them too

Maria Stefanova

Pretty sure the one trick healers would never say "I play healer because no one else wants to heal". Those kinda Mercy mains we have all seen are quite passionate about their hero rly , they love it and don't complain. On the other hand the flex players often complain about it because well as you can get into a game with 3 mercy mains , you can also get in a game with 3 hanzo mains that all want to play dps ( and by what i've seen that happens more often) and then like if you are the one that actually picks last in 99% of the games you would have to be a healer or tank. I probably had just a game or two this season where i got to play dps and i rly like playing dps too :/

Bryant Aaron Sample

2 trick Mercy
Been using Lucio, Moira, and Zen more in comp lately.

Won 70% of comp matches as a healer.

Diamond Hope Zeiger

I’m a main healer
But I can play off healer and dva/Winston
I’m a “one-trick” mercy if you look at my hours
It’s just my win rate is so fucking high even other Mercy players are like “u can have her”

Bjerb Hons

I play healer class because I like it the best. IDGAF whether you want less healers or not honestly.

Aswin Fu'ad

im main healer, using genzo

André Reis

I feel you, I learned Reaper and 76 to fill dps when needed. Already main'd Rein and D.Va in previous seasons so it is fine
BUT we are talking about less then 5% ocasions when a DPS to fill is needed, I'm used to fill as healer because 90% the healers are in-short, at least at my rank, and when I dont play Mercy someone asks "Can you Mercy please?"...

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