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Xbox One - Luc’s Ark Journal – Story 9 Struggling to stay conscious I looked for a weapon....


Luc Bors

- Luc’s Ark Journal –

Story 9

Struggling to stay conscious I looked for a weapon. The guard, both hands closing of my windpipe, was determent to end me. Chef looked at me and held his pan firmly in 2 hands. As my oxygen bar went down and light began to fade, I looked up to chef: “help me" I squeezed with the air I had left. Chef held his pan behind his head like a baseball bat and struck. I closed my eyes awaiting the moment i woke up again with Barry smiling at me. Breath came back into my lungs and a warm liquid was dripping on my face. Blood was gushing from the guards head as he lay lifelessly on top of me.

“Are you the one that killed Barry?” chef asked with trembling hands. “yes, but look where it got me", i replied cleaning my face from red gore. “i once was a prisoner like you, lost everything and now forced to work for that Ahole Barry. “You never tried to escape?” hoping chef would know a way out. Chef sat down and grabbed Evie from underneath the table, and placing her on his lap. “several times”, chef explained whilst stroking the purring compy. Lifting his cloth shirt he exposed many scars, presumably from many barry’s torture sessions. He didn’t have to explain any further. “Its too late for me but i can get you out, but first" chef snapped his fingers and pointed at the dead guard. “Sara! Lunch!” The raptor sunk her teeth into a arm and pulled it straight out of his socket. Me pale as a sheet, happy that chef didn’t gave that order when he found me outside poorly hiding.

“Come!” and chef walked outside, me hot in his trail. Passing greenhouses overflowing with vegetables, we crossed the main courtyard surrounded by all sorts of dino’s, and even some griffins. Four thylacoleo hanging on the ceiling ready to pounce, we stood at the gate they were guarding. Chef kicked the gate 3 times and waited. The door opened and what i witnessed there i couldn’t have crafted in a lifetime. “My axe broke again!” chef spoke in anger and we walked in the door closing behind us.

Want to read more? Story 10 is already out on my page. Enjoy

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