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PS4 Ive literally never played pve... how do you guys not have everything?

  • Thread starter Brett Kiwihumidity Hotz
  • Start date

Christopher Sutton

Im with this guy pve should have everything in no time at all

Daniel Loveridge

The arguement of well we have lives is a poor excuse I'm the leader of my tribe from day one I have a child I work 50 hours a week so I don't get what you mean? Pvp is just more productive the risk factor raises the stakes too a new level PVE just couldn't get. Play a survival game but remove 80percent of the challenge

Rob Stephens

Reading through posts it seems that all the aggression and we are better just comes from pvpers.... It's not necessary... Play what ever mode you want.. What's it to you what other people play..

Clint Widel

Not everyone wants to constantly be fucked over by other people. Not everyone wants to worry whether or not their stuff still exists. Not everyone plays almost non stop.

Scotty Sumner

We do

Daniel James Bradley

I've played both pvp and pve, I enjoy pve because it allows me to play solo and build what I want, do what I want, at my own pace.

Pvp is fun and I enjoy raiding and fighting, but there's a lot more grinding needs to be done on pvp, you need to be heavily defended, you need to grind for turrets/ammo etc and usually you need to be in a decent sized tribe.

Pve though with me being solo I only tame the dinos I need, as I have to go out on meat runs myself to find them, would just be more hassle if I tamed too many and I just don't have time to breed solo.

Rico Suave

Who says we don't?

Liam Hanson

I work 50 hours a week and still play PvP as pve is boring as fuck there is literally no challenge

Melissa Leblanc

I played on PVP for 8 months until our server got ddos, we never cheated or bought anything from anyone we used to raised everything we owned.
I am now on PVE, from my experience.. I found that most people are just there to make their base look pretty and don't have much dinos.
Who else is wating on Ragnorock?

Tina M. Mckeehan

? PVE has a lot more dino's/ resources / exploring

Deen Ahmed

I switched from pve to pvp

Deen Ahmed

And honestly pvp is alot better imo

Dilla Stark

I play on PvE, got gen 12 rexes hatching at 268/272.

I'm too friendly for PvP. Back when I started I was on a pvp server, third day I was there my wooden shack was being raided when I logged on, I didn't understand why they were raiding a wooden 4x4 shack and told them over voice I would have just given them stuff if they wanted it so bad.
Was there for a total of 2 months or so before I gave up because I always had to rebuild my shack every 4-5 days.

One day I met one of the guys that were raiding me, he was taming a Ptera and I asked if he needed kibble.
He asked me for nudes and killed my parasaur when I laughed and said no.
No thanks, not interested in pvp servers.

On PvE me and my neighbours are friends, we do bosses together and lend each other tames for breeding and such. :)

Ron Phillips

Dino count

Terry Brundidge

I tried to get my kid on a pve server hes 10. It was so full of foundations you could not build and he kept starving because allvthe food spawns were gone , no berries or animals to eat. You guys can keep that shit I'd rather build and rebuild than deal with the childish pve b.s.

Brett Kiwihumidity Hotz

Jesus what have i done!?

Brian O' Neill

Because the grind is real

Mike Hammer

I rarely see PvP players with better dinos than what I have but gigas seem important on PvP and I don't worrie about them to much since I can't bring them into boss fights but I am hatching rexs at 350+ and that's pretty cool

Dave Doell

I do lots of pvp in pve servers. Tribe war other tribes, it's alot of fun!

Alex Ziegler

Pve existed in ark before PvP did. When ark first launched in pre alpha and alpha and original pc beta. Pvp wasn't added until about half a year after ark was on steam public

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