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In light of Stephen hawkings passing I've decided I'm finally going buy a hotas for my...


Jamie W. Stevens

In light of Stephen hawkings passing I've decided I'm finally going buy a hotas for my vive and elite dangerous. I havnt owned a flight stick since my old sidewinder back in the 90s. Any budget friendly suggestions?

Eric Larocque

I kind of forget what a hotas is actually...been a while since I've looked them up.

Eric Larocque

Your post reminds me of the old Gravis Blackhawk my dad gave me a long time ago with a Radioshack Gameport to USB adapter though...still working albiet roughly, but I remember as a 2 and 3 year old watching him play or even playing on his machine myself. Those were the days.

Jamie W. Stevens

Haha im accually kind of excited to do this. I always thought the learning curve of ED was too high, never made it out of the starting area. I like how they have the thrust stick you use with your left hand now. I see alot have some sort of redder system for your feet but i dont think thats nessesary. I remember when it was essential to own a flight stick, now im seeing them as high as $3000!!!

Eric Larocque

Yeah man. The pedal rudder thing is nice if you REALLY want to simulate some planes a bit more closely, but it can only go so far much like a G27.

Eric Larocque

My desk isn't even close to resembling how a real car with a 5 speed would have everything placed, but my G27 is still fun to use anyways.

Jamie W. Stevens

planes dont have rudders do they? ive never flown one before lol.

Eric Larocque

Actually yes. Mainly used for keeping the plane straight enough to land and for a couple other things I forget completely.

Eric Larocque

I'm not a HUGE plane expert but I really loved Microsoft's Battle For Europe from back then...two discs to install, whole ton of fun. I wanna restore the Xterminator Dual Control my dad also gave me just for that game.

Jamie W. Stevens

haha yea thats awesome. The last flight sim i was die hard into was microsoft flight simulator 98. Im sure theyve changed since then, but for ED anyways, that games almost unplayable with a VIVE and mouse and keyboard. Youd have to be a typing wizard to know what you are pressing lol.

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