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I'm an ana main, considering to switch to widow. Basically hitting more body shot than...


Anh Hoàng

I'm an ana main, considering to switch to widow. Basically hitting more body shot than a camera man in a pornography photo shoot. I just want to know that who has the bigger hitbox and which is better on widow flick or tracking?

Joaquin Legarreta

I'm not a good widow, I have very little play time with here but on season 3 I took 500 sr with her. I find it easier to flick than to track. I keep my starget near the center of the scope and then flick when I'm ready to take the shot as if adjusting in the last second. A good advice is to aim for the neck instead of the head. If you miss you can still land a bodyshot.

Jose Garcia

Flick takes you to the next level as a widow, because it allows you to hit people that are moving in less predictable patterns. A flick shot is literally moving as fast as you can in a few milliseconds of time targeting one frame of an enemies movement. the second someone does something predictable within your flick range, they die.
tracking is great for players with good positioning as they will need to be aiming for targets that are unaware of their position, and moving less erratically. either that or you have nerves of steel and can track under fire from someone spamming AD strafing erratically, but not likely.

If you get your flick shots consistently, it totally changes your positioning. you can start being more aggressive, playing mid range and moving inside your team since all you need is a second of view on an enemy to take their head off or at the very least put enough damage In to make it impossible for them to move forward without risking instant death from any random spam coming from your team.

Miki Dela Cruz

Hahaha that analogy is awesome

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