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If I get both a Hansuck and a WidowSucker on my team I'm throwing. They dont care...


Michael Lu

You can’t deprive them of a chance to practice just because they seem bad. They will get better eventually but not if you throw because you assume they are throwing

Yvonne Douglas

What sucks is people like you throwing withoht even giving them a chance. Yes its unfortunate to have both, but they may be amazing. As a widowmaker main, when someone picks either hanzo or widow i give them a chance to prove themselves. I dont bitch and complain beacause i know how it feels for people to bitch at you before the game even starts. If theyre not doing well i ask them politely to switch. No big, maybe you're having an off day. Its fine. Throwing will guarantee a loss. At least give winning a shot you sore fucking loser.

Luis Angel Cordero

Have you tried not being a child?

Eric Carman

Some games you just cant win. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to win. It's a game man try to have some fun.

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